at last
8/1/06 12:16pm
Last year my son had an elk tag so I spent my time setting cameras out for elk.
This year all we have are archery deer tags so that's what I've been looking for this year. I knew it would be a lot harder than finding a nice elk.
Of the 100 or so photos I have got this year this is the first buck that's bigger than a spike or two point (and there hasn't been all that many of those) that I have found.
If I can figure out how to post the pixs I'll send them with this post.
I hope this works. later, Treeetop
This year all we have are archery deer tags so that's what I've been looking for this year. I knew it would be a lot harder than finding a nice elk.
Of the 100 or so photos I have got this year this is the first buck that's bigger than a spike or two point (and there hasn't been all that many of those) that I have found.
If I can figure out how to post the pixs I'll send them with this post.
I hope this works. later, Treeetop
I'm not to smart on this computer stuff. Even when I did go to school they had me ride the short bus. later, treetop
The main thing is that it gets a good picture. treetop
The short bus...:) that was a good one. I liked it, seeing how I teach school it was even funnier.
Nice pics, looks like you got them to work.
Glad you found a good buck.
I'm having trouble with some nocturnal bucks also.
Just can't find during the day for nothing.