2/12/05 5:16pm
If you live NEAR Southern Utah you may want to participate in the Cedar City Hurst Sports Center's Coyote Shoot on MARCH 12th. Great Prizes are available from calls to rifles!
-There is a $20 entry fee per team (two man only, no exceptions!) You have to register in person at the store (165 South Main Street in CEDAR CITY) March 1st thru March 10th. You must sign up both shooters (or just your self if you plan to go it solo) at the time of the sign up. The $20 is due at this time as well!
-For the team with the most coyotes two NEF .204 rifles with scopes will be given away. Among other prizes are a Garmin E-trex GPS, Bushnell Spotting Scope, Primos Video/call package, and lots of calls (hand and electronic) to give away. If there are a lot of entries by the 10th the guns will be upgraded as well.
-There are NO boundaries for the hunt. Kill 'em where you see 'em! The sky is the limit on this one! Seriously, anywhere!! (see bottom for private property suggestions)
-There is also no starting point (to maximize your time in the field). No need to meet up at a location first, just go out and have fun thinning the predator population!
-Check in times will be between 12: 00 pm and 7: 30 pm (due to store hours) and cut off time will be AT 7: 30 SHARP!!! NO entries will be accepted after this time!
-All dogs MUST be killed ON March 12th, 2005. We will have a licecenced vet on hand to thermal test the animals. Its sad that this has to be done, but it keeps the honest people honest! The kill will be determined "fresh" or not at the opinion of the vet without argument.
-No trapped dogs or road kills will be accepted. All coyotes MUST be taken with a hunting weapon that day.
-TIE BREAKER: in the event of a tie for most dogs, the prize will go to the team with the GREATEST COMBINED WEIGHT of all their dogs. (If there is an unlikely tie here, the first team in will win)
I think that this will be a huge success and a lot of fun on top of that! Some of the prize categories include: oldest and youngest shooters, biggest and smallest coyotes, best video, and more! I hope you'll come and join us for a good time!
The Hurst's staff would like to remind you to follow all applicable laws and regulations and to be mindful of private property. Always make sure you ask the land owner before entering on private land! We do not endorse illegal hunting or trespassing of any kind! And such will not be tolerated! =;
If you live NEAR Southern Utah you may want to participate in the Cedar City Hurst Sports Center's Coyote Shoot on MARCH 12th. Great Prizes are available from calls to rifles!
-There is a $20 entry fee per team (two man only, no exceptions!) You have to register in person at the store (165 South Main Street in CEDAR CITY) March 1st thru March 10th. You must sign up both shooters (or just your self if you plan to go it solo) at the time of the sign up. The $20 is due at this time as well!
-For the team with the most coyotes two NEF .204 rifles with scopes will be given away. Among other prizes are a Garmin E-trex GPS, Bushnell Spotting Scope, Primos Video/call package, and lots of calls (hand and electronic) to give away. If there are a lot of entries by the 10th the guns will be upgraded as well.
-There are NO boundaries for the hunt. Kill 'em where you see 'em! The sky is the limit on this one! Seriously, anywhere!! (see bottom for private property suggestions)
-There is also no starting point (to maximize your time in the field). No need to meet up at a location first, just go out and have fun thinning the predator population!
-Check in times will be between 12: 00 pm and 7: 30 pm (due to store hours) and cut off time will be AT 7: 30 SHARP!!! NO entries will be accepted after this time!
-All dogs MUST be killed ON March 12th, 2005. We will have a licecenced vet on hand to thermal test the animals. Its sad that this has to be done, but it keeps the honest people honest! The kill will be determined "fresh" or not at the opinion of the vet without argument.
-No trapped dogs or road kills will be accepted. All coyotes MUST be taken with a hunting weapon that day.
-TIE BREAKER: in the event of a tie for most dogs, the prize will go to the team with the GREATEST COMBINED WEIGHT of all their dogs. (If there is an unlikely tie here, the first team in will win)
I think that this will be a huge success and a lot of fun on top of that! Some of the prize categories include: oldest and youngest shooters, biggest and smallest coyotes, best video, and more! I hope you'll come and join us for a good time!
The Hurst's staff would like to remind you to follow all applicable laws and regulations and to be mindful of private property. Always make sure you ask the land owner before entering on private land! We do not endorse illegal hunting or trespassing of any kind! And such will not be tolerated! =;