AZ Mule Deer Hunt (Update)
1/6/11 8:36pm
Just got back from my annual Arizona archery desert mule deer hunt. Since I had a 2010 tag, I headed over a few days early (27th) with the hopes of tagging a buck before the end of the year. After a few close encounters, I ended up arrowing this 24” wide 3x4 on the last day of the season (December 31st). Not a big buck, but a mature deer perfect for the last day.
I also had a 2011 deer tag along with a javelina tag. I only saw two bucks I was willing to arrow on the new tag……especially with venison already in the cooler, so I focused on them. However, one of the down sides of hunting true desert bucks in the rut is you may see a good buck one day and have him checking does 3 miles away for a few days and never get an opportunity to hunt them. Needless to say, I never saw the two big bucks again.
A few days into the January hunt, I spotted a herd of javelina feeding on a cholla filled hillside. I stalked on in and made a good shot on a big boar. What started out as celebration soon changed though? While using my “locking” knife, it collapsed on me and cut me to the bone on my left index finger…….right at the end joint. With blood spurting out a foot away, I knew I had cut something….well, pretty darn good. I got the bleeding to stop, but noticed I couldn’t move the tip of my finger straight position. After some quick field photos with a wrapped up finger I evaluated my situation. To make a long story short, I took a 2-hour trip to the nearest ER and learned I had completely cut the tendon and am now going to have to have it surgically repaired. Oh well, it’s a long way from my heart!
So, my trip came to an end a few days early………and those two big ol’ muleys I was hunting will hopefully be there next year. But I’m grateful for what the good Lord blessed me with. Hope you enjoy. " alt="" /> " alt="" />
I also had a 2011 deer tag along with a javelina tag. I only saw two bucks I was willing to arrow on the new tag……especially with venison already in the cooler, so I focused on them. However, one of the down sides of hunting true desert bucks in the rut is you may see a good buck one day and have him checking does 3 miles away for a few days and never get an opportunity to hunt them. Needless to say, I never saw the two big bucks again.
A few days into the January hunt, I spotted a herd of javelina feeding on a cholla filled hillside. I stalked on in and made a good shot on a big boar. What started out as celebration soon changed though? While using my “locking” knife, it collapsed on me and cut me to the bone on my left index finger…….right at the end joint. With blood spurting out a foot away, I knew I had cut something….well, pretty darn good. I got the bleeding to stop, but noticed I couldn’t move the tip of my finger straight position. After some quick field photos with a wrapped up finger I evaluated my situation. To make a long story short, I took a 2-hour trip to the nearest ER and learned I had completely cut the tendon and am now going to have to have it surgically repaired. Oh well, it’s a long way from my heart!
So, my trip came to an end a few days early………and those two big ol’ muleys I was hunting will hopefully be there next year. But I’m grateful for what the good Lord blessed me with. Hope you enjoy.

Look forward to the pics.
hopefully that finger heals up fast and 100%. Like it has been said, if that was your havalon knife it could have always been worse. those blades are sharp!
congrats on another great hunt, I cant wait to see the pictures :thumb
I'm glad that you didn't do that to your finger when you were back in the back country in Colorado.
Good luck on the finger, that's gotta hurt! :)
Looks like a Mature buck from the head on him, good mass at the bases. Congrats! 10sign:
Good job on the hunt and I hope your finger is back to 100% soon. How do those Javelinas taste?
Thanks for sharing your adventures with us