AZ Unit 18A

Looking for some insight into Arizona Unit 18A Muley. Never been in that area before. Any info would be helpful. According to AZGF the population has been thined by predator and I am sure the drought hasn't helped. But like any hunter beleives, " They are out there"!
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18A is a good area, But a hard one to hunt. If camping get in early. You have people that come in from the Big citys and bring all their toy's and do the radio hunt with each other and that makes it hard on the TRUE HUNTER . Was with a friend two years ago hunting that area and he seen a nice 4X4. He got in a good spot where he could shoot and hold and be hold here comes two for runners hulling butt in the area we were at. There is no road just stock and wildlife trails. Needless to say they spooked the horse's and the deer good thing we had tied up. As for the Predators ( MAN )....
I'll refine what I said. There is roads just not where we were at.