AZ Unit 3c Youth Hunt?? Need Help.
9/6/11 12:30pm
My 13 year old son got drawn for his very first Mule deer hunt up in AZ unit 3A/3C. We've done about 5 days of scouting so far and have not see any bucks, only does and elk. Does anyone have any advice on any good locations in the 3C area? We've scouted so far in the black canyon lake area and will be heading to deer springs lookout area to scout in a few weeks. I'm really hoping my son can get his first buck this year, appreciate any advice/help. Thanks.

9/6/11 12:33pm
I wish I could help you out. There are a ton of of guys on this site that can steer you in the right direction. Have you checked the thread "New or Struggling Hunters" yet? Quite a few people have mentioned the areas that they can help out with. It'd be worth a peek.

9/6/11 12:42pm
Thanks waspocrew, I'll check it out.

9/7/11 4:05pm
I was on the 300 road by black cayon lake at the beginning of the summer and seen a few bucks. It was about a mile or so south of the 260. the ravine i was glassing has 2 or three other ravines running into it. The area is an area that the fire burned a while ago. these are the coordinates from google maps if u want to look at the area from a satilite view 34.315403, -110.741179.