Don Fischer
5/22/17 8:57am
I've always loved bird hunting. Some years ago though my left knee lost the cartilage and walking became very hard. Got the thing replaced in Sept 2015 and it's a whole lot better but I doubt I'll ever hunt a chukar hill again! Started getting back to forest grouse but they aren't around here like they were in Montana. I can also find Hun's in area's I can walk. Those years I was unable to get out, I kept my dog's. Lost one this past Jan 11 to a stroke, only 9 1/2 yr old. One of the most stylish dog's I ever had, Bodie.

http://i1363.photobucket.com/albums/r706/fischerantlp/Bodie/DSC_0020_zps1a248ae6.jpg " alt="" />
Squirt is about a week and a half older than Bodie and still with me. Taking him and Stormy to Montana this year to look for Sharptails and Huns. he lak's Bodie's style but he just sorta like to get the job done! He'd rather look bad and win than look good and lose!

http://i1363.photobucket.com/albums/r706/fischerantlp/Squirt/DSC_0003600_zps7d5fd3b2.jpg " alt="" />
Three and a half years ago I added a new dog, new to me anyway, Red Setter. AF register's them as Irish but I don't call Stormy that. Don't wan him confused with the AKC show Irish. Everybody that see's him love's him and most also think's He's an AKC dog but just a pup. He's 3 1/2 yrs, weight's 45# and about 16" tall, shorter than Squirt and Bodie. He strted late, I was afrain I'd got a cull for awhile. He started getting interested in birds at 11 mo's and boy has he come on. I'm afraid Bodie met his match. Stormy's gun's are loaded and hope to get him

http://i1363.photobucket.com/albums/r706/fischerantlp/Stormy%20field%20work/Randys%20PP%20of%20Stormy_zpskyzg82lr.jpg " alt="" />

http://i1363.photobucket.com/albums/r706/fischerantlp/Stormy%20field%20work/DSC_0519600_zpshxifofaw.jpg " alt="" />

http://i1363.photobucket.com/albums/r706/fischerantlp/Stormy%20field%20work/800_zps82169965.jpg " alt="" />

Squirt is about a week and a half older than Bodie and still with me. Taking him and Stormy to Montana this year to look for Sharptails and Huns. he lak's Bodie's style but he just sorta like to get the job done! He'd rather look bad and win than look good and lose!

Three and a half years ago I added a new dog, new to me anyway, Red Setter. AF register's them as Irish but I don't call Stormy that. Don't wan him confused with the AKC show Irish. Everybody that see's him love's him and most also think's He's an AKC dog but just a pup. He's 3 1/2 yrs, weight's 45# and about 16" tall, shorter than Squirt and Bodie. He strted late, I was afrain I'd got a cull for awhile. He started getting interested in birds at 11 mo's and boy has he come on. I'm afraid Bodie met his match. Stormy's gun's are loaded and hope to get him


5/30/17 6:36pm
Great looking dogs for sure!