B&C Award found

I was recently at an estate sale which featured some overruns, samples and misprints of pins and medals from an award company. I purchased a box of such materials and found in it a Boone & Crockett Big Game Award. It is engraved "1986 Rocky Mountain Goat 52 6/8 Timothy F. McGinn First". Figuring it was a misprint I went ahead and put it up for auction. After showing it around to hunting friends, I am full of questions and wondering if there is anything more I should know about this piece. It is Bronze and looks just like the one featured on the B&C web pages. I would like to add information to the listing or make sure some poor fellow hasn't lost his before the auction ends in 4 days.
Any information on this piece would be appreciated.
Lisa L

I don't have a lot of info for you that you probably don't already have. I do know that the animal that the Boone and Crockett club recognizes as the World Record Rocky Mountain Goat scored 56 6/8 (there is actually a tie between two different goats for the World Record). These first of these goats were harvested in 1949, with the second being harvested in 1999 I believe. In fact, Mr. E.C. Hass (1949) and Mr. Wober (1999) also recieved the Sagamore Award for the goats they harvested. In case you are not familiar with the award, it is given when by the Big Game Final Awards Judges Panel, if in their opinion there is an outstanding animal that absolutely needs to be recognized over all others that year. Only one can be given out in a particular year and it is the highest award given by the Boone and Crockett club.
Since the World Record was alread established before the date on the medal you are refering to, then I would think either (a) Mr. McGinn harvested the largest Mountain goat that particular year or (b) It is nothing more than a sample or misprint.
I'll see if I can do some digging on the subject.
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Well, I received an email from B&C Club and they verify the info and medal is real. However, they do feel it is an extra or something as there have been no reports of loss. I found an email for such a name and in hopes it is the right fellow, I emailed to confirm he has his in hand.
Thank you for your help!
Lisa L
Outstanding! I take it that it was a yearly award right (Largest B&C goat taken that particular year)?
B&C has a three year recording period and gives awards for the top three in each catagory. Apparently this goat won 1st place for that recording period. Ed F