Back from Arizona Archery Hunt (pics)
1/10/14 10:10pm
Well, my annual Arizona hunting trip is over for 2014. What a trip! Since I had a 2013 deer tag still in my pocket, I went over early (December 27th) to try and find something early. I figured I wouldn’t be too picky with my first tag.
I arrived at camp at 1:30 in the afternoon and found that my hunting partners, Wally & Fred, were out hunting. So I set up my camp (trailer) and got things situated. After getting everything done, I headed out to look around. Being very familiar with the area, I headed for a finger ridge I’ve arrowed a few bucks in over the years. I parked my truck and hiked in for a quick afternoon hunt. I hiked about 1/2 mile and set up on a facing ridge to glass. The deer were right where they usually are, feeding up the cut. There were seven does, but I knew this time of year there may be a buck with them. Sure enough, a 25” 3x4 followed closely behind the last doe. He wasn’t the biggest buck on the desert floor, but he would definitely do for a tag that was going to be done in a few days.
I crossed the canyon and hiked on the backside of the ridge to get the wind right. With my felt stalkers on, I crept in closer trying to locate the deer. It had been about a half hour since I had seen them, but I knew they had to be close. Just then I saw a doe feeding on a small rise in front of me. Magically, the buck appeared behind her, just 45 yards away. He was standing in some fairly tall desert grass, but I could see his upper half of his chest and head. I had about 15 minutes of shooting light left and knew it was now or never. The moment I released, I knew I was a bit back. I confirmed it when I found the arrow……a liver hit. After trailing him a bit, I kicked him up. I decided to back out and trail him in the morning. At first light the next morning, I found him piled up about 150 yards away. Not a bad buck for a 2013 tag. " alt="" />
Since I had to wait until the 1st of January to hunt deer and javelina, it gave me a few days to do some scouting. I saw a few decent bucks, but one in particular really looked good to me with his mass and character cheaters he had. He was a typical main-frame 3x4 with good brow tines and deep forks on his 4-point side. I decided to hunt him opening morning.
On opening day, I was perched high on a glassing point looking for the buck. About an hour into glassing, I spotted him and another 4-point that was really nice with some does about a mile away. I marked their location and took off for the 4x4. As I got closer to where I had last seen him, I caught movement to my left. About that time, a doe was heading right at me followed by the heavy 3x4 with cheaters. As he passed by me at 25 yards, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity! One arrow later and 50 yards further he was down. He is fairly heavy with about 18” of mass per side. Only 24” wide, he makes up for it on his four-point side……talk about deep long tines. I couldn’t believe it……two times out in the field with a bow in my hand and two deer down. It has never come this easy for me with true Sonoran Desert deer. " alt="" /> " alt="" />
With both deer tags filled, I focused on javelina. Now until the 1st of January, I had seen them everyday. However, once the season opened, it took me five more days to finally spot a herd on a steep hillside. Getting the wind right, I was able to sneak into 27 yards of the largest stink pig and send a perfect arrow through him. He ran towards me and died 3 yards from my feet! Got a little western there for a moment. :) " alt="" />
The next few days I tried finding some more javelina for Fred’s daughter, Erin, who also had a tag. She had never hunted them before and wanted one really bad. I finally spotted a herd and showed them to her. Fred and I had front row seats behind the spotting scope as she stalked into the herd and arrowed a huge boar. She was very happy. " alt="" />
I spent two-weeks in the desert and enjoyed ever minute of it……I love that hunt. Although it was warmer than normal, the amount of Mule Deer and Coues Deer was refreshing for a change……..I can’t wait until January 2015! Hope you enjoy the photos.
I arrived at camp at 1:30 in the afternoon and found that my hunting partners, Wally & Fred, were out hunting. So I set up my camp (trailer) and got things situated. After getting everything done, I headed out to look around. Being very familiar with the area, I headed for a finger ridge I’ve arrowed a few bucks in over the years. I parked my truck and hiked in for a quick afternoon hunt. I hiked about 1/2 mile and set up on a facing ridge to glass. The deer were right where they usually are, feeding up the cut. There were seven does, but I knew this time of year there may be a buck with them. Sure enough, a 25” 3x4 followed closely behind the last doe. He wasn’t the biggest buck on the desert floor, but he would definitely do for a tag that was going to be done in a few days.
I crossed the canyon and hiked on the backside of the ridge to get the wind right. With my felt stalkers on, I crept in closer trying to locate the deer. It had been about a half hour since I had seen them, but I knew they had to be close. Just then I saw a doe feeding on a small rise in front of me. Magically, the buck appeared behind her, just 45 yards away. He was standing in some fairly tall desert grass, but I could see his upper half of his chest and head. I had about 15 minutes of shooting light left and knew it was now or never. The moment I released, I knew I was a bit back. I confirmed it when I found the arrow……a liver hit. After trailing him a bit, I kicked him up. I decided to back out and trail him in the morning. At first light the next morning, I found him piled up about 150 yards away. Not a bad buck for a 2013 tag.

Since I had to wait until the 1st of January to hunt deer and javelina, it gave me a few days to do some scouting. I saw a few decent bucks, but one in particular really looked good to me with his mass and character cheaters he had. He was a typical main-frame 3x4 with good brow tines and deep forks on his 4-point side. I decided to hunt him opening morning.
On opening day, I was perched high on a glassing point looking for the buck. About an hour into glassing, I spotted him and another 4-point that was really nice with some does about a mile away. I marked their location and took off for the 4x4. As I got closer to where I had last seen him, I caught movement to my left. About that time, a doe was heading right at me followed by the heavy 3x4 with cheaters. As he passed by me at 25 yards, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity! One arrow later and 50 yards further he was down. He is fairly heavy with about 18” of mass per side. Only 24” wide, he makes up for it on his four-point side……talk about deep long tines. I couldn’t believe it……two times out in the field with a bow in my hand and two deer down. It has never come this easy for me with true Sonoran Desert deer.

With both deer tags filled, I focused on javelina. Now until the 1st of January, I had seen them everyday. However, once the season opened, it took me five more days to finally spot a herd on a steep hillside. Getting the wind right, I was able to sneak into 27 yards of the largest stink pig and send a perfect arrow through him. He ran towards me and died 3 yards from my feet! Got a little western there for a moment. :)

The next few days I tried finding some more javelina for Fred’s daughter, Erin, who also had a tag. She had never hunted them before and wanted one really bad. I finally spotted a herd and showed them to her. Fred and I had front row seats behind the spotting scope as she stalked into the herd and arrowed a huge boar. She was very happy.

I spent two-weeks in the desert and enjoyed ever minute of it……I love that hunt. Although it was warmer than normal, the amount of Mule Deer and Coues Deer was refreshing for a change……..I can’t wait until January 2015! Hope you enjoy the photos.
I want to start looking into a similar hunt, my sister and her family just moved to Scottsdale Arizona last year, and it would be a good excuse to go visit them lol.
Do you know if decent "general" season mule deer hunts take place around Scottsdale? Or is that in the wrong part of the state?
There's some really good country near the Phoenix/Scottsdale area....all OTC for archery in the rut.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
PS- as hunters I feel like it is our responsibility to control predators as well. I've seen a lot of song dogs and lions...I'll do my part to make sure I don't see as many in the future