Back from the honey hole..... Disappointed

Just got back from my annual trip to one of my favorite places to hike.
It's a place where I can see 350"+ bulls and 180"+ bucks feeding in the same little basin and sometimes in the same meadow.
Well, this year I came upon a small herd of elk in which there was one really huge bull. It was first light and the bulls knew I was there and were moving away slowly.
So I slowly moved onward.
I few minutes later, I came upon a small group of bucks. The biggest one was about 26" wide and had the most perfect box frame. I'm sure he would end up a 180"+ buck.
I waited a few more minutes for it to get lighter.
Finally, the lighting was perfect and the buck was standing 80 yards broadside, looking right at me.
I slowly turned the camera on, only to see the "no flash card" icon flashing.
I can't believe I had left it home in the computer while uploading some video on youtube last week.
I actually laughed out loud on that one.
And as I hiked out that group of bulls I had seen at first light were bedded in a perfect stalking location for a photo session.
Oh, the agony.
Sorry guys, no video footage from the honey hole this year.
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Oh man that's a bummer. I know the feeling but batteries are usually my problem. Sounds like a good trip anyway.
Unacceptable! You must gather your card, insert into camera, and hike back there for photos.....we need the fix! :)
one hunting fool
Ridge, Bummer man but at least you got out for a bit.
I have been there more times than I can count. You would think I would have learned by now.
Ha Ha, that sucks I'd be bummed out to - a good reason to go back though. :)
In April a couple friends and I went shed hunting and planned on hiking into a new area that I had been looking at closely on Google Earth. I carried my camera and took tons of pictures. I was absolutely stoked to get the pics back to the computer and be able to inspect them through the spring and summer making preliminary plans on how to potentially hunt this area. After a long day on the mountain we had gathered a good handful of sheds so back at the truck I took the camera out and took some more pictures. In the chaos of getting everything loaded I left my camera on a rock never to be seen again... (**!!) #-o ](*,)