Back in the saddle

Im back,
On dec. 29th 2007 while duck hunting i had a shell that did not go off at full strength. In the heat of the moment i jerked it out and threw another one in. When i fired my barrel blew up under the forstock. The explosion ripped my hand apart between my thumb and pointer finger. It also broke my thumb in the jont. My biggest fear when i saw what the explosion had done to my hand, was i would not be able to shoot my bow.
I have been bow hunting a little since the end of turkey season. Had a few close calls but have not been able to put it together.
With the coolest temps in weeks yesterday i headed out. I started working the fields but did not see anything immediatly. I went to the top of the tallest hill and started glassing. After a few minutes i spotted a pig walking down the edge of the creek. He was a long way off. I took off in a jog. I enterd the creek 50 yds. down from the last place i saw him. I was starting to think they had gone into the clear cut when i heard a squeel 30-40 yards ahead. I eased in and could see two small boars feeding on muscadines. The smaller of the 2 finaly got broadside at 8 yards. I made a pretty good shot on him, and he came to rest about 50 yards away.
Now all i need is a big muley broad side, come on september.
Great to see you back in the field,true hunters cant be stopped :thumb !!!
"NONYA" wrote:Great to see you back in the field,true hunters cant be stopped :thumb !!!

+1 glad to see you back doing what you love.
Back in the saddle, and RIDING WELL I might add. Thanks for the update and good luck in the upcoming weeks.
by NONYA on Sun Aug 10, 2008 10:42 am

Great to see you back in the field,true hunters cant be stopped !!!
+2 way to get er done!!!!!!!
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Good to see you're bowhunting again. Good luck on the mulies. God bless.
Glad you're back.....and having fun!
6x6 bull
Glad to see your back and having fun. I love the looks of that bow you have also.
"NONYA" wrote:Great to see you back in the field,true hunters cant be stopped :thumb !!!
+3 And Congrats on some nice looking pork chops =D>
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Thunder Head, what bow put an end to that hogs life?
Sorry to hear about your accident man, but it's good to see your recovering and back to shooting your bow. 10sign:
Good luck in the deer hunt.
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"Bowtech43" wrote:Thunder Head, what bow put an end to that hogs life?
Matthews switchback,

Thanks for all the good wishes. In case any of you need some reinforcment. CLEAR your barrel !!!!!