Backdoor Draw Results Open for CO
5/29/16 10:41pm
So I checked my status through the back-door method on CDOW and think I may have drawn. I know this has been discussed before but I can't find the thread. Went into the permit transaction section and saw they had me down for a code "591 Non Res Deer." If I remember correctly, this means I was drawn for mule deer correct?
My dad, who turned 84 last month, finally gave up hunting a few years back. Mainly due to loss of strength. He stills comes up every year, lives in LA (as in not Los Angeles). He's up here right now and having problems catching his breath now, though he knows about acclimating.
As far as extra time off, I'd probably have ZERO problem taking off work that long for a trip, but convincing the Mrs. to let me stay that long is a whole other issue; especially since it's such a long haul to Colorado when I go. I work shift and got lucky with the dates this year. I get 7 off in a row every month and this year's 3rd season fell right on those days off.
Hopefully, if I live to be 84, I'll have a nice place here in Texas to hunt with the kids and grandkids. I'll leave that high elevation stuff for the