Backpack rigging question.

I just bought a Eberlestock X2 for a elk hunt in Sept, my question is , does anyody have good pics or advice on how the lash sleeping bags, 1 man tent, ect. to there packs. Do most people use rope or buckle straps?
This is my 1st elk hunt and i am trying to figure out the best way to tie this stuff on.

Thanks for all the good info on here.
Just my 2 cents, but I always attempt to keep my heaviest items at the top of the pack. I don't have any pics but I have buckle straps that hold my tent to the top, then all the rest of my supplies go inside. You won't bend forward as far if the weight is on top. I prefer to keep my sleeping bag inside just in case I get into a rain or snow storm. Light things like my pad I tie to the bottom of my pack. :thumb
Springville Shooter
Walmart sell these black light buckle straps in the sporting good section. I have used them for years with no problem. They are light, strong, and stay tight. They also make great prizes for the scouts in my scout troop. ---------------SS