Backyard Bucks
9/13/07 1:57pm
Hey yall! Guess what?!?! We spotted a nice little bachelor group right in our very own backyard!
Check out the weird growth on the buck at the very far right! " alt="" /> " alt="" />
Check out the weird growth on the buck at the very far right!

Did ya all notice that he is also the only one still in velvet? The others are all hard-horned already.
Since he's really not too different in age from a couple of the others, yet has not begun to shed his velvet (The others have already completed the process)....AND has a rather "unique" growth pattern, I would venture to guess that he's either a cactus buck or has some other issue with his testosterone levels.
What do ya all think?
Of course, he could have injured the antler while in velvet last year or when he first started growing them this year.
OR...I could be WAY off base and a total idiot...LOL