Backyard trail cam pics
5/5/07 9:53am
I recently bought my first trail cam, so I just hung it on the fence in my backyard for a couple of days to see what's hanging around the yard on any given night. This camera has infrared night flash so the animals aren't frightened by a conventional flash, so the nighttime photos are in black and white. I've also never posted a photo on this site, so I'll see if I can figure it out....
Thanks for sharing! :thumb
One of these times I'll get on of those javelina's. I've tried twice. Maybe the third time will be the charm. So if you have any that are being pests just let me know. I'll get me a tag and come down and help take care of them.
Anyway, welcome to the site! Nice to see another AZ'an.
This is some video I took during my deer hunt last fall ('06). We hadn't seen any bucks that day, and these javalina had been feeding comfortably back within less than 150 yards of where we were glassing for hours.
After the video ends (it is kinda long), the pigs did end up going back to feeding within plain eyesight of us.