Bacon Anyone? (pics)

First was HOT last weekend at the Tejon. But the hogs were everywhere. Cody and I went up to there this past weekend hunting hogs. Cody got quite a few stalks and even passed on a 200 pound sow at 12 yards, as he wanted a big boar. I was hoping he'd just stick her and get a pig under his belt, but you can't tell 14 year olds much!

I ended up arrowing this boar that busted out of a brush thicket that was holding pigs. He came by me and I hit him a bit far back..........he coninued up the canyon and went by Cody at 20 yards.....the youngster put one in the lungs to finish the deal for the ol' man. Let me tell you, I heard about that for the rest of the day. The boar was about 175-200 pounds and has 2" exposed tusks. Nothing huge, but should book easily for the state archery record book. Cody got several other stalks in, but the unstable wind hindered him.

Did I metnion it was HOT? Hiking those canyons in 100 degrees was less than desirable........but a lot better than sitting at home. Hope you enjoy." alt="" />" alt="" />
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Sweat, oh I mean sweet! Looks like fun.
Nice hog, congrats to you both.
I bet that made you proud for the boy to put a good shot on him....won't be too long and he'll be with you in the Colorado high country! :thumb
very cool! i cant wait till my kids get old enough to take hunting with me.
Nice work, glad your son finished him off. :) I think he should have taken the big ole sow also.
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Nice job, I live about an hour and twenty minutes north of Tejon. How much does it cost to go arrow a pig there?
6x6 bull
Great Pig. Any time you can hunt with your son I am sure it is a memory that will last a lifetime.
Nice work, Roy. Congrats to the both of you.
Hey thanks was a fun hunt. Glad you enjoyed the photos.
Nice job, I live about an hour and twenty minutes north of Tejon. How much does it cost to go arrow a pig there?
It's basically $400.00 for a trespass fee to the entire mountain range-ranch (257,000 acres). That allowed us to stay at an air-conditioned cabin as well with meals provided for three days. Not a bad price for free ranging hogs.......and a lot of them!
There's no Wee Wee Wee all the way home here....LOL, Way to put the smack on a great hog!! Congrats to both of you! :thumb <--------)