Bad snow year for the deer
2/3/08 9:30pm
Just wanted to post a few pic from this weekend. The deer in this neck of the woods are going to have a hard time this year, so we should all try to stay off the winter range until it lets up a little. As much of a die hard I am I can’t see risking a few shed antlers for a big winter kill. I took all these pic on a winter range that I watch all year and have been for a long time. This is the worst I’ve seen itby far. Ps all of these photos were taken from the truck.

2/3/08 9:33pm
Great posting =D> =D> I found the same thing this weekend around Heber & Midway :good post

2/3/08 10:51pm
good snow there !! i hope your deer pull thru, we have a bunch here too. i've been out taking photos of the deer this year and so far they are all in really good shape. i have found only one winter kill, or coyote kill, hard too tell which, it was a fawn, there is about two feet off snow where the deer winter at here, plus lots of cedar trees for cover and food, 3 feet or more in spots though, especially higher elevations. where i shed hunt for elk there is 10 feet of snow. ](*,) hope the elk pull thru okay.

2/3/08 11:49pm
ya its way bad here to in the NE part. we got another foot today!!! its close to 4 feet deep. you cant even get off of the paved roads without getting stuck.

2/4/08 3:54pm
yeah they got a lot of snow here where i live. They canceled a lot of peoples churches yesterday. Got a ton of snow. most i have seen forever.