Bad Week

It started wth my company laying off a guy and doubleing my work load. Next evening my wife went to my duaghters house and my car was stolen. Went dowtown Dallas PD to file a report and a full fledge detective told me I could't report my own property stolen cuase I wasn't present at the seen. This morning trying to keep up with the new work load I took my trigger finger most of the way off with a side grinder. Got into it with the docters just becuase I ask if it wuold heal faster if they would just leave it off or if they reatached it. Told em I had a Elk muzzy hunt comeing up in 30 days. You'd thought I insulted there mama or something. Some people just don't understand. They were very rough with me and my didgit after that. I know cuase I've had a couple put back on over the years. Any way my right hand just can't handle the recoil and that finger ( they say) won't be the killer it was. That strange noise you guys here in the woods the rest of the season is all the deer, elks and hogs breathing a big sigh of relief. Seriosly, what are my chances of getting good enough left handed, any tips?
Sorry about your bad luck, when it rains it pours. Is it possible to shoot with your middle finger? I've had good luck with it when I injured my trigger finger. That way everything else stays the same with handling the rifle. On a positive note the Rangers are a game away from the series.
I wouldn't worry about it at all. One you get excited about the game, I'll doubt you'll feel a thing. lol
Dang man you had a BAD week,I hope you find a way to still get out and hunt.
I wish you a giant muzzy elk materializing above the grasses as you approach after your perfectly placed shot and skillfully performed stalk.

Sure it was a horrible week, but i have a feeling the above scenario would go a long way to cheering you up. I hope it happens.
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I modified my fingersplint, took the trigger gaurd off my 50cal (wouldn't do this with a real rifle) and went to the range this evening. Same grouping with my middle finger, not much pain. I also reserved a plane ticket and a hummer (only 4x4 avialable) in case the wife recks my truck before she picks out another car. I've had my Dodge for 10yrs and she's never been behind the wheel. She doesn't think it's funny anymore that I call her every couple of hours and ask hows my truck doing. Anyway thanks for the support.(NOTENOUGHTAGS-thats how it happens every night between 12 and 3am). lol
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so, sorry about your luck.... but it can bee worst . you just have to get out there and hunt. hunt like theres no tomorrow. and dont worry about your finger.
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I had to shoot lefthanded for 2 years after severing all the tendons in the top of my right wrist in 1972. Shut your right eye or wear a patch over it. It came to me quickly and I killed the biggest whitetail I've ever shot that first year. I actually could shoot skeet and trap fairly well too. Just do it.
I know too well about the economic problems we are facing. They laid off the guy who ran the machining center next to mine 2 years ago and I run that full time too now.

Springville Shooter
Hang in there bud....we're all pulling for ya. I bet you will find a way to shoot that elk despite all the roadblocks. Sounds like even though your work load doubled, you were still the lucky one at work.-------SS