Badlands Hypervent max1
7/10/08 9:36am
Just posted my Badlands Hypervent on KSL. Only used a Few times asking 130.00
i see your upsizing, what ya after, 4500? if so shoot me a pm
Sorry to here about your mis-hap, those ACL's can set a person back more than a year. Make sure you stay on top of your re-hab....VERY Important!!!
We made a test run out this past weekend with the 4500 4 miles in...... and all I can say is BADLANDS ROCKS, My son wrote up a review for Monster Muleys, check it out......
As for the Hypervent it works flawless. This pack is just as described, It holds true to the contour of your back and the frame system truly lets your body release the hot air and allows the cold air in. I have been training with this pack I will loaded it up with over 35lbs and take off walking. The great thing about badlands is when you get to your destiny you don't relay what to through off your pack and rest.
I am in need of a 2200 because of the all the special gear I carry, cameras, tripods, and all my personal gear, the Hypervent is just not big enough.
I hope you recover quickly and can put that 4500 to use next year.