baiting deer

im useing oats im going to start with55 lb bag go back in 10 days restock if have to then go in 5 days repeat if have to 3 days then every 2 days what do you guys think the season is from nov 1to31 but im start baiting next week let me know it will be cold im in northern bc canada
IT WILL BE COLD,why dont you spend all that time scouting instead of baiting?
I may stir up a hornets nest on this one, but I think baiting is a joke. Go out, put some miles on your boots and scout for the deer. Your in Canada man, not a high fenced operation in Texas or something like that. Go "hunt" for them. That is why we call it hunting, not sitting and shooting. If you bait the deer you might as well just stake them down to the ground and go whenever you feel like shooting it. Just my opinion.
one hunting fool
Thank God baiting im Most states is illegal or we would get a bunch of easterners out west here messing up our hunts. I take popcorn to the zoo with my 357 like the rest but thats as far as i go... "here little raindeer want some popcorn?" "its nummy" :222 rain deer chops uuhhhhhmmmmmm nummy
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geez just a question i hunt by melself and also video hunts so tried to hunt and video walkin around hunting pretty tough also mostly private land so when have very little public land to hunt you do what you can so any suggestions let me know thanks
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im just askin questions that whats this forum is about so if you nothing to add thanks anyways
Use this lol
ROFL! Now thats Huntin! :thumb
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thanks for all the answers but some real answers would be great i guess say some one like shockey that baits deer is wrong so thanks for everything i guess!!!
Dont give up yet im sure there is some one who will chime in here soon that baits there is a whole wide range of people here
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dont need to hire him i shoot bigger deer
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you must be sniffing glue look at the board heading WHITETAIL NOT MULE DEER but thanks for your concern buddy
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Personally, it's the hundreds of hours of pattering what ever it is I'm hunting. If it's trudgeing thru miles of snake infested swamps to find a high spot to ambush a whitetail or climbing up and the mountians trying to take an elk. It is what I prefer. I have a cabin in New Mexico up in the mountians where some great mule deer bucks stand less than a foot of off my front porch. All I'd have to do is open the window and let an arrow fly. My wife doesn't under stand why I hunt for days somewhere else and don't take one those hugh bucks. She puts a bird block out for the birds, but we don't put out anything for the deer. When I can no longer walk, and my wheel chair won't make it up and down the trails I'll consider sitting in a shooting house over a corn feeder.
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People that bait animals in on private land and video the kill give the general hunting public a very distorted idea of what it's like to hunt. I've had several guys and one gal who have hunted with me become very frustrated and wanted to know why it wasn't like on the videos???!!!!! They didn't get in proper shape either because it didn't look too rugged. When they can't go where the critters are they don't kill anything. They were good at riding in the truck and hanging out in camp and whining.
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There is a guy who runs a guide serivice near where we hunt in Eastern Washington. I have always wanted to know how he keeps pulling the bigger bucks from the area. Well I took my buck from last year to him so he could process the meat for me and give me advice on how I should mount it. While I was there he showed me and my dad the area where all the big Whitetails are taken....

He took us into his house to a room in back which had a huge picture window. He opened the window and pointed to about 3 huge piles of pears. He said he charges $2000 for a 3 point of higher. Its 45 yards from the window to the pile of pears, he has the hunters shoot right out of the window. he says he gets about 4-5 hunters a year.

To me that is just nuts.
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would this be Sherman creek outfitters?
I can't beleive that someone would pay to shoot a deer out of the window of some guys house lol Too me these people definatley have way more money than sense!
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I dont think its called sherman creek outfitters, the guy is out of Colville, Wa, he runs a business called paige's custom meats
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Oh okay, never heard of them.
Where do you draw the line with this, personally I think people who shoot deer with guns are taking the easy way, come on now shooting a deer with a gun, its so easy its not even funny.Did it for years completly lost the challenge of the hunt, seeing if you can reach out there and knock a deer down at 400 yards or better yet I get them close oh thats a challenge, almost a gimmie.Pick up a bow and try that
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I am definatly against baiting deer.I have been hunting for 49 years and have yet to go home empty handed.I do my scouting every year and hunt on foot. We have enough of an advantage with high power rifles,two way radios.GPS, scent elimination systems, binoculars spoting scopes,grunt calls, 4wheel trucks ,camo,hand warmers and thermal underwear.It is much more of a challenge to get your deer by using you stealth and knowledge than it is to put a pile of grain out in -40 weather knowing that the deer are hungry and are goin to come to it.It's just like shooting fish in a barrel.I am very glad that Alberta has a law against baiting
Ok here I go.

I live in the east. and baiting is legal so I do it. If you have never done it you would be suprized to find out that it is not as easy as you might think.

If you video hunt on your own haveing the camera pointed at your bait helps.
also here if you don't bait your chances go way down because the 3 guy's on the next farm do.

I don't make the rules but I do follow them. If it's legal then do it. if it's not then don't

in some situations it may be the onlyway to have a chance.

you would not go fishing with a bare hook would you ????

As for the question, Hear in NC I used to set baits up months in advance, but scince I started to use trail camera's I have found that if you put your bait in a place the deer wants to be anyway that they get on it very quckly many times the same day I start.

I hardly ever start a bait more than a week or 2 before I'm going to hunt it.
remember the wind!! and they don't come all the time.
We use corn & apples.
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I hope anyone who is against baiting has never sat on a field, wallow, apple tree, used any scent or calls, its all the same, fooling senses and bringing game to you. I will take a guy with a bow shooting a spike deer anyday over someone with a rifle and a scope blasting a deer or elk at 400 yards, real challenging lol oh wait someone said get out and put some miles on your boots, so what u can sit on a vantage point and watch 1,000 yards around you? lol give me a break.
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I also live in a state where baiting is legal, we don't do it all the time, but it is a tactic we use. I hunt a farm that almost has a "quota", if we don't kill a certain number of deer, we may get tossed. I understand that not everybody supports it, but it's not a slam dunk like people may think. Here in NJ we can kill over 100 deer per season if we wanted to help cull the herd, that is why they legalized baiting. The available terrain also has to be considered, it's not like we can hike to a high vantage point and glass. There are many different factors to consider, so before judgments are made, please consider all the circumstances.

Shane-you've got a great point there, my friends out here don't understand why I won't take a rifle out west, it's not about the kill, it's about the challenge.

And being a true "Easterner", I've got to get speak my mind, I don't know if everyone will agree, but this is my opinion. Us "Easterners" contribute quite a bit to the economies of the Western hunting states and I know there are some people out here that give us a bad name but most "Easterners" that are on here are here for a reason, so please don't stereotype.

I bait in NJ because I can, but I look forward to hunting out west every chance I get because of the challenge. If it weren't for my family and business, I would have moved out there after my first elk trip. Thanks for listening.
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Try one of those NAPA oil filters with some peanut butter on it. :thumb
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Where we hunt in WI baiting is legal....What an abomination to the sport!
Where we hunt in MN baiting is done illegally....These guys do not belong in the hunting fraternity!

I don't know what it is like for the hunters out east in the vast metro of cities...but I am pretty sure...The baiters out there have no desire to learn the lore of the woods either or to teach their children ethics of the sport and the heritage of our forefathers......If you ask a twelve year old in Wisconson "What do deer eat?"...95% of them will answer "Corn.".....

It is a sad thing that states have allowed baiting....It really is hurting our sport and pastime...It is nothing but fuel for the anti-hunters....And that fact alone should make real hunters like the majority on this site take a stand against the use of bait in all states......

Last thought....A good analagy of a baiter shooting over corn is like a game warden hiding in the bushes with his deer decoy.....Both have no real savy to catch their prey in a natural enviroment......

some people just can't see the whole thing.

Come on down to NC and hunt in my pine trees.
Don,t use any bait!!!!
At the end of the season I'll boil the water for your tag soup.
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On the contrary TommyColey, I do understand your predicament...In WI the same thing has happened to virtually everbody....Baiters have attracted and concentrated deer away from once productive areas (even on the public lands which I hunt exclusively).....I also understand where there are large parcels of private land the problem is much worse as in your case.....On public lands we often are able to find these pockets of deer and roust them out....Not the way I like to hunt but it is the only way we are able to move deer back into their normal habitat....This makes a lot more work than natural hunting used to be....If I was in your predicament I would find another place to hunt or save my money and hunt in another state......

Everybody is entitled to their own opinion.... If you think baiting is OK because it is legal then so be it.....I voice my opinion because I firmly believe our rights and privelages are in jeopardy.....Baiting everywhere has been used as negative propaganda towards our sport and heritage.....Please consider the negative impact that baiting has before you dump your next bucket of corn....

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Our rights and privileges are in jeopardy whether we bait or not. The anti's are more involved with baiting bears than baiting whitetails. I do agree that we do not need to fuel their fire, they have even started showing up at our fishing tournaments, saying that the bait we use is suffering, but I also believe that different locations sometimes call for different tactics. There are places that I hunt in NJ that we need to bait to keep deer away from houses to put them in a legal range to shoot. There are also places that we use no bait and hunt deer naturally. In NJ we can legally take up to 135 deer, whether we use bait or not, so what's the difference.
As far as people not teaching the ethics of the sport and the heritage of our forefathers, that is a difference of opinion. The education and continuation of this sport depends on the next generation of outdoorsmen/women. As long as they are educated and informed properly, they will eventually be able to make their own decisions and judgements as to what is right or wrong.
I hunt regularly in three states, in NJ I bait under certain circumstances, in PA I do not bait, in NY, I have been hunting over food plots. When my children are old enough, I will be sure to educate them on the reasons I do what I do in those three states, and take them out west as soon as it is feasible to expose them to the western style of hunting. The education of the next generation is dependent upon the educator, not the laws of his/her state.
"jerseyelknut" wrote: The education of the next generation is dependent upon the educator, not the laws of his/her state.
Even if certain tactics are illegal there are going to be people that use them. They are making that personal choice to do so and this will always be the case. :>/ We as sportsman can disagree with one another all we want on these issues and voice our oppinions on these matters. IMHO the best thing we can do is help educate the younger generations as best we can on ethical hunting practices. There are so many different variable between hunting areas that I can't even describe them. I grew up in Utah and am now stuck in North Carolina. I have never agreed with baiting animals but I have had my eyes open to the differences between the two places. I don't have nearly the problem with people baiting whitetails out here as I do with them running them with their dogs. You want to talk about unethical and unsafe hunting meet me this November during the rifle hunt and I will take you the Croatan National Forest and we will sit in a tree stand and watch the dogs run deer back and forth through the public lands from dawn to dusk. Here there is no such thing as a quiet stand of woods in November. I would be estatic if they outlawed the dog hunting and people turned to "just baiting"!!! Just some of my thoughts on this issue.
I don't know if baiting deer is an etical delimia or not. I do know that it is not aganst the law to do it here. and it has been all my life. NC is the only place that I bait. and I only hunt here because this is where I live and ILOVE TO HUNT! there are about a 1000 places better to deer hunt.

I have hunted in 15 differnt states & 2 Canada provences. I have hunted over other bait put out by other people for me to hunt over where leagle I have hunted over corn fields, food plots, acorn trees, grape vines, all kinds of fruit trees, wheat fields, bean fields, and any other food sorce that I thought a deer might come too. To me it all seems the same I am looking to ambush that deer at dinner. I also hunt beeding areas and funnels and staging areas before they come to dinner.
It's all hunting.

I do feel for you Pete and the dog hunting I live in the NW zone of NC and dog hunting is not illegle here.

I have done it, I do not really care for it. For some of thsoe guy's it is more about the dogs and traditions than it is the deer.

When it's all said and done I just love to hunt, some ways more than others I really enjoy sitting in a tree stand. I'm just trying to learn how to do the spot and stalk thing out west.

Pete, I did not mean to over look that PM it's just sometimes I am away from the computer for long periods of time. I would love to talk to you about deer hunting some time.
Im not a fan of baiting but I do understand if your on a small piece of property and trying to suck the animals off another property. My friend bought one of those game feeders and set it to go off every other day, but he likes to mix it up some time so the deer and pigs dont know when its there this keeps them coming buy to check it out. My friend uses rolled corn, give it a try it works I bagged a pig buy the feeder a few hours after he bagged a 4 point buck there.
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Baiting deer is not part of the "fair chase" method. If you are complaining about how hard it is to get a deer then pick up another sport. This is "HUNTING" not killing. How hard is it to make a 20 yard shot on a deer feeding over the bait? I don't get the argument about being able to glass... Do you know how hard it is to stalk an animal with a bow. 95% of the time they are in areas where they have everything in their favor. Baiting displaces animals terribly. It takes animals off of neighboring land and sometimes puts them in areas that has no habitat that can help make the herd through the winter. I could go on and on. Hunter harder!
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Baiting is allowed in some states. I don't think it is ethical. but here is something that i don't think anyone here has considered as an agrument against baiting deer.

Baiting attracts many deer to the same spot. If one deer with CWD comes to the bait many other deer could become infected with CWD. Deer will yard up during the winter so the chance of CWD spreading even further is increased. CWD is spreading rapidly. Lets not help its spread by baiting deer.

my 2 cents.
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To answer the OP.. sweet feed, alfalfa (I will sit on public and overlook one of those all day long to see what comes down to, basically anything that gives them energy and cures their sweet tooth.

Our problem, even with baiting, in our little area of TX is that it's a cake walk to shoot 1.5-4.5yo deer. Some internal swich flips in them at 5.5+ that makes them go mostly nocturnal. We have feeders and nice food plots in place (haven't gotten into feeding protein to huntable deer...huntable deer = deer not located in the back yard), but see the majority of our deer browsing on forbs growing in the hay fields after the last cuttings.