Ballstics help
10/16/10 6:56pm
I plan on doing sme 1000 yard shots with my.270 winchester. I need some help on the drop.
I shoot .270 Nosler Ballistic tips in 130 grain. can anyone help?
I shoot .270 Nosler Ballistic tips in 130 grain. can anyone help?
assuming a muzzle velocity of 3000fps and a 200 yard zero, your bullet will drop approximately 312 inches at 1000 yards.
If you're dead set on shooting 1000 yards with your 270, try a berger in the 150 gr range.
+1.....I have seen guys have trouble with "hunting" bullets at 1000 yds even when coefficients are good. A friend of mine has a 7MM Rem mag that shoots 150 Nosler BT's into tiny bughole groups. The coefficient of this bullet is near .500 and he was still unable to get any type of grouping at 1000yds. Chets advise is good when he suggests the Bergers for your best bet. That being said, my 338 would shoot 225grn Nosler AB's near MOA consistantly so give it a whirl.-----------SS
my 300win mag, shoots BT's and AB's well bellow MOA out to 300 yards. At 500 yards plus it opens up to 3 moa or worse. Bergers shoot 2-3 moa out to 300 yards or so, but tighten up and shoot 1-2 moa after that. same gun, same scope, same shooter....... I've heard of this before, in fact berger told me not to test loads at 100yards, the bullets need to "settle down". I'm struggling with the physics of this....... thoughts?
You'll need a chronograph. Guessing your variables will not work while shooting 1000 yards.
Even when you think you have it dialed in, a little barrometric pressure change will throw it all off at 1000 yards. It's a long long long long long long long ways away ](*,) and very few shooters are succesful at it.