Barnes Triple Shock
11/2/08 9:25am
anyone shoot these? If so, what hads been your experience???
i shot a deer at 80 yards, thru the boiler room and the deer never even acted like it was hit, he took off and i had to put 2 more in him, even after that he went about 50 yards
so here is the question, was i too close??? the entrance was about the size of a ping pong ball, and the exit was about the same!!! ive never had this happen before and im stumped as to what happened
I have two thoughts on them; first, the original design was reported to have a tendicity to close the hollow point rather than always open it as planned. The new plastic tip will ensure it will expand every time. My second thought is that they simply cost to much. Good as I believe them to be, I can't find a justification for the extra cost. My cup and core bullets, when properly chosen have never failed me. But for those that don't mind the extra expense, you probably won't regret it. Oh and I wouldn't base a bullets worth on one failure either, everybody has a bad product slip by now and then.
Solid copper bullets are nothing new. P.O. Ackley was turning them in 17 cal many years ago and reported wonderful results out of proportion to the cal size.
Been shooting the same load out of my .338 for a long time and do not want to change it on such a short notice. As usual the closer to the opener, the more Murphy starts showing his face :tz
barnes is a great bullet though!