Barnes Triple Shock

anyone shoot these? If so, what hads been your experience???

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They have been accurate in all the rifles I've tried them in and you can get more velocity because of the reduced bearing surface. They kill well too and won't blow up no matter how fast you push them. I'm using them this year to shoot Coues deer and another elk if they give me a tag here in Az. Last elk I shot with one I got about 30 inches of penetration and it went completely through. Scared me though because there were lots of elk around that bull so I checked for more blood trails. I didn't find any luckily.
I have been shooting the barnes x until this year, i went with the triple shocks!!

i shot a deer at 80 yards, thru the boiler room and the deer never even acted like it was hit, he took off and i had to put 2 more in him, even after that he went about 50 yards

so here is the question, was i too close??? the entrance was about the size of a ping pong ball, and the exit was about the same!!! ive never had this happen before and im stumped as to what happened

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I've shot them the last couple years pretty acurate, and they preformed well at 60 yrds golf ball size entry hole dinner plate exit hole. I'm shooting a .270 around 3000fps.
"JBird" wrote:I've shot them the last couple years pretty acurate, and they preformed well at 60 yrds golf ball size entry hole dinner plate exit hole. I'm shooting a .270 around 3000fps.
This wounds are NOT on par with the TSX,I have killed MANY deer ,antelope and elk with them and they have by far the best performance I have seen in a bullet.Entry wounds are tiny and exits are quite small,they dont blow big holes in game,they penetrate,expand and drop creitters like a bad habit. 10sign:
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Nonya, sounds like you've shot plenty of critters with them, I've only shot one, but it did drop him in his tracks, sorry it didn't enter and exit like you expected it to.
Might want to recheck your reloading data,TSX's are NOT designed to perform like your one shot with them did.Id like to know how a one piece solid bullet left an entrance wound like you described,let alone the exit,are you sure you shot it with a BARNES TSX?
TSX is a great bullet! the only down side i see to them-- is if your trying to buy the best, SWIFT is a little better. shoot the A-FRAME and you cant do any better!
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I'm with Nonya on this one. They seem to chop things up that the encounter inside the animal not blow holes. I shot 2 mule deer lengthwise just to see what would happen. One was very large the other a 1.5 year old. They were shot with my 338-06 A-Square and a 185 TSX at 2950fps. The bullet exited both and didn't ruin much meat or blow up the stomach. They didn't go far. Just to the ground.
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I don't shoot any premium bullets, just simple cup and cores. But I have to think that the TSX idea is a great one. Now they have the plastic tip which I would think will make it ever better.

I have two thoughts on them; first, the original design was reported to have a tendicity to close the hollow point rather than always open it as planned. The new plastic tip will ensure it will expand every time. My second thought is that they simply cost to much. Good as I believe them to be, I can't find a justification for the extra cost. My cup and core bullets, when properly chosen have never failed me. But for those that don't mind the extra expense, you probably won't regret it. Oh and I wouldn't base a bullets worth on one failure either, everybody has a bad product slip by now and then.

Solid copper bullets are nothing new. P.O. Ackley was turning them in 17 cal many years ago and reported wonderful results out of proportion to the cal size.
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I don't know what to tell ya, there TSX's and thats what happened they are the Federal Premiums, normally don't shoot factory loads but the state of Arizona bought them for me so Condors wouldn't die from lead poisioning. But anyway from what I've heard they should perform the way you are describing I don't know why mine didn't.
Sounds like they substituted some other bullet,I dont even know how you could get a TSX to perform like that if you wante to.
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I read an article a year or so ago about the Barnes bullets and some problems they had with erratic performance and the writer (Brian Pearce I believe) attributed it to quality control problems with the copper vendor. It was said that the newly manufactured bullets are okay because Barnes had the problem cured with it's supplier. I had one instance myself early on where a Barnes bullet broke the shoulder bone of a mulie and took a 90 degree turn and went out the bottom of the chest. He went a ways before expiring. No other problems ever though. Ross Seyfried (Rifle Magazine) also reported some troubles with the early manufactured bullets but that was many years ago. If you think about it getting a copper bullet to do what the Barnes bullets do is quite a metalurgical trick. I think they do a fine job. I've had lots more trouble with other brands of bullets.
I have been reloading the TSX in my .300 mag for three years. Every thing I have hit with them has died. I get a small hole in and back out with almost no meat damage. The noslers I used before were extremely accurate but made so much terminal damage that meat loss was terrible with lead, polymer and copper fragments all through it. With the TSX, I have never recovered a bullet even from the moose and bears I have shot. I get less than an inch group using the 180 grain bullets at 100 yards and have made kill shots out to 588 yards. I will say that I could not get them to fly right in my old 7mm mag but the 30 caliber bullets are perfect. For anyone interested, I use 70 grains of 4350 powder, Nosler cases, federal primers and the 180 grain TSX. I get consistant 3100 FPS out of this load. It is a little hotter than what the Barnes manual calls for but does not flatten out the primers or seperate the brass. You can't go wrong with the TSX, Just my 2 cents.
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"JBird" wrote:I don't know what to tell ya, there TSX's and thats what happened they are the Federal Premiums, normally don't shoot factory loads but the state of Arizona bought them for me so Condors wouldn't die from lead poisioning. But anyway from what I've heard they should perform the way you are describing I don't know why mine didn't.
We can't shoot lead around here because of the condors starting this year. I have an Arizona #23 late elk tag , south of the mogollon rim. Does anyone know if I will be required to shoot Barnes Bullets. Don't recall seeing it in the regs. :-k
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On page 56 of the 2008-2009 Hunting and Trapping regulations it says it's voluntary so far ( they warn it may be necessary to pass a law!!! ) to help save the condor from it's leading cause of death which is lead poisoning. So sad. I guess copper is good for them. We'll be hunting in unit 12 with lead bullets this year. Grand Slams to be exact. Why can vultures sustain eating lead from gutpiles and unrecovered animals and not die? Or is it that no one can love a vulture? Or is the lead problem from another source that has not been identified? go to for more info.
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Been shooting the same load out of my .338 for a long time and do not want to change it on such a short notice. As usual the closer to the opener, the more Murphy starts showing his face :tz
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I've shot 3 deer with them. One was a buck, running towards me at 80 yards. Ist shot in the chest/base of the neck, ended up in the back of his guts. Second shot (40 yards) hit a fence wire, smashed the cavity shut, then the bullet proceed to tumble through the side of the deer's ribcage, straightened out, smashed the femur, and was found just under the skin on the haunch. Second was a doe at 525 yards, the bullet was fully expanded by the time it made it through her neck, she dropped on the spot. #3 was a doe at 400 yards. 1st shot went behind one shoulder, out though the other shoulder, dropping her. she got up, and the next shot went in the base of her neck, and exited out her guts on the other side. I was shooting a 25 WSSM, 47.5 Grns W760, max is 48.5, these were pretty stiff loads but very accurate, .75" @ 100 yards. I payed 67 bucks for 100 bullets instead of 30, but they did lots better than the stupid Nosler Bt's I shot my Utah buck with.
Here is a 168 grain 30 cal TSX I dropped a 6X6 bull with at 250 yards a few years ago (300WSM). I felt this small lump on the opposite shoulder from the entry and dug it out. Pretty much speaks for itself." alt="" />
I have been loading Barnes for many years in all my rifles and have never had one single problem with them.By far the best bullet on the market.
"BIG R" wrote:I have been loading Barnes for many years in all my rifles and have never had one single problem with them.By far the best bullet on the market.
well, if you dont count the swift A-frame :))
barnes is a great bullet though!
Never shot the swift.Expensive or not everytime I pull the trigger I know it will hit the ground if I do my part.
A buddy of mine is a guide for european hogs down in South Carolina and this is a 300 grain bullet out of a 45-70 that was taken out of the opposite side of a 300lb hog. I can't say that the bullet could've performed any better than this." alt="" />" alt="" />
Just like the last 2 pics I have never seen a barnes do anything but that.
I really think Barnes has set the bar and now the TSX and tipped TSX are the standard by which all other manufacturers will strive to meet.
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I am new to here but definately not new to hunting. I used to shoot Nosler BT all the time a respected gun guru friend of mind reccomended tryin the TSX and I will shoot nothing else now. I load them in my elk and deer rifles. I shot two deer last year with my 257WTBY and neither took a step out of their tracks, one at 70 yds and one at 190 yds. My 14 yr old daugher shot a big whitetal buck at 100 yds with my Sako 25-06 and dropped it like lightning struck. 1 elk with 338 and 1 with 300 WTBY both one shot kills with bigger bullets as well.
I picked up a box of these TSX's in 30-06 165gr. I'm curious to see how they are going to shoot and perform.
Anybody tried the Tipped TSX? For the 7mag they only make it in 110gr. seams a little light.
I shoot the 150gr tipped TSX out of my 7mag
NONYA - do you shoot that load for deer and elk?
Nonya, do you load your own? The only tipped I have found for the 7mag are Fed. Premium 110gr.