Barnes TSX question?
10/12/09 7:09pm
I like to neck size my 7mm Rem Mag loads and was wondering what do you do to get a good grip on the bullet? The 7mm has a short neck and the grooves on the bullet leave very little surface contact between bullet and neck. I can push my bullet into the case with very little effort. On the range it would not be a problem, but I would not venture into the field with my load as of yet. I have ordered a Lee factory crimp die to put a little bite on the neck. Any suggestions?
i solve it by seating the bullet to longer coal. so that the first groove protrude from the neck
this way i have only 2 grooves in the neck and better neck tension.
i also notice that it was worst in new unfired brass (probably because it's softer)
after a couple firing they're so tight i could'nt move them at all.
i don't know if you could fit the longer oal cartdridge in your magazine tough!
it did fit in mine and accuracy actually improved alot