Barnes TSX question?

I like to neck size my 7mm Rem Mag loads and was wondering what do you do to get a good grip on the bullet? The 7mm has a short neck and the grooves on the bullet leave very little surface contact between bullet and neck. I can push my bullet into the case with very little effort. On the range it would not be a problem, but I would not venture into the field with my load as of yet. I have ordered a Lee factory crimp die to put a little bite on the neck. Any suggestions?

Springville Shooter
I had the same problem and called barnes. They said to seat the bullets deep to take advantage of as much neck tension as possible. They recommended that the bullets be seated .050 off of the lands. They told me that a good rule of thumb was to seat the bullets to the top of the highetst ring. I did this and did not notice a change in accuracy or pressure. I have since quit shooting the TSX bullets, but this seemed to solve my problem. I was shooting a 7mm rem mag with 140 TSX's. ------shooter
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You can get neck sizing buttons in smaller sizes too which will help. I've loaded many different calibers including the 7 mag with TSX bullets and have had no problems. I use at least .003" grip on the necks.
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Lee factory crimp die has them locked in place good. Now time for working up a load. I have a few loaded up with 66 grain of 7828 ssc and magnum primers that I will light off this Saturday.
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Up to 68 grains of IMR 7828 ssc with no pressure signs at all. Loaded 5 and put 4 in the same hole and one of my special flyers to mess up the group. I will bump to 68.5 and 69 to find my ceiling knowing that 68 works well. BTW 66.0 and 67.0 groups were around 3/4".
i had the same problem with my 300 ultra and barnes 168 gr. ttsx
i solve it by seating the bullet to longer coal. so that the first groove protrude from the neck
this way i have only 2 grooves in the neck and better neck tension.
i also notice that it was worst in new unfired brass (probably because it's softer)
after a couple firing they're so tight i could'nt move them at all.
i don't know if you could fit the longer oal cartdridge in your magazine tough!
it did fit in mine and accuracy actually improved alot
I also load them in my 7mm and I seat them with one groove showing and have had no issues.As far as powders,bullets and rifles,one rifle shooting a certain load may shoot differently than another rifle with the same exact load.There are alot of variables :thumb
"wingmaster36" wrote:Up to 68 grains of IMR 7828 ssc with no pressure signs at all. Loaded 5 and put 4 in the same hole and one of my special flyers to mess up the group. I will bump to 68.5 and 69 to find my ceiling knowing that 68 works well. BTW 66.0 and 67.0 groups were around 3/4".
Did you chronograph them? I've only shot RL22 140gr barnes in my 7mm. I get 3275 MV, but my groups are only about 1.5".
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"belly-deep" wrote:
wingmaster36 wrote:Up to 68 grains of IMR 7828 ssc with no pressure signs at all. Loaded 5 and put 4 in the same hole and one of my special flyers to mess up the group. I will bump to 68.5 and 69 to find my ceiling knowing that 68 works well. BTW 66.0 and 67.0 groups were around 3/4".
Did you chronograph them? I've only shot RL22 140gr barnes in my 7mm. I get 3275 MV, but my groups are only about 1.5".
68 grains under the 150 ttsx yielded 3207, 3207, 3193 respectively. Also went into a ragged .300 hole. I will post pic's off the wife's camera later today. No more development for this rifle. She is ready!