Bear Hunting

Just was wondering if anyone had some advice on what to put and what not to put in a bait barrell, I wanted to know what they mostly like is it sweets or meat or just both?
one hunting fool
on the Kodiak they use old stale doughnuts with bacon grease they save all year just for the bait barrels. I have a friend that guides there and is always asking me if i am ready to come out but i am waiting till i can afford a moose also on the Yukon. Might as well if i am going that far. But he also says he uses popcorn to keep them in the barrels or they will just grab a mouth full and runn off to eat it. My buddy says Grease is the key because Bears are trying to pack on the pounds around the hunting season. made sense to me (???)
Oats and molasses or the ole favorite Canadian standby of frozen skinned Beaver hung from a tree at a height you can tell how big the bear is.
I've used meat, dog food, apples, watermelon, honey, Cameron Hanes "bear crack", fermented grain, bacon, grease, molasses, marshmallows, corn on the cob, and oil of anise. But the single best bait I've found is Hostess pastries.

When I set up my bait this year I will pack the barrel full of pastries and bread, cover a log or two with molasses, dump some grease in the dirt around the barrel, and hang something really stinky (rotten meat or rotten broccoli) between two trees high enough that a bear can't reach it. Then I'll sit a ton of nights and have every bear come in once it's to dark to shoot. I can't wait!
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skunked beer I've heard never been able to keep a beer long enough for it to go skunk though.
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I just got back from my hunt today well more like my last time going up lol I have been up their about 20 times this spring and sat more than 43 hours on stand and killed my bear last night! but what I do is go in and get greese EVERY where I mean like 15 gallons cause this is your key ingrediant that I will explain later than I lay down a 55 gallon barrel and Idaho likes to make it hard on us and makes us use a metal barrel:( than I fill it with popped popcorn and dog food Popcorn is hard to eat and dries their mouth and dog food swells when it gets wet so it fills them up faster Than I hang some carpthat smells pretty rank I catch them back in march and let them sit in a 5 gallon bucket with 3 things of BBQ sause and let that stand in the sun till hunntin season! Hang two buckets high up in a tree for the wind to carry that all over the mountain side! THan the greese spread that in front of the barrel so they will step in it and it gets on their paws and they track it all over the forest only to leave a trail for another bear to follow. ALso I do a honey burn or what cammeran hanes likes to call bear crack! its marshmellows Mapel syrup sugar and cherry kool aid and boil that until it turns into a hard candy but dont eat it cause it is very sweet! THe most important thing to remember when baiting is SWEET IS BETTER THAN STINK!!!
"IdahoGobbler" wrote:I just got back from my hunt today well more like my last time going up lol I have been up their about 20 times this spring and sat more than 43 hours on stand and killed my bear last night! but what I do is go in and get greese EVERY where I mean like 15 gallons cause this is your key ingrediant that I will explain later than I lay down a 55 gallon barrel and Idaho likes to make it hard on us and makes us use a metal barrel:( than I fill it with popped popcorn and dog food Popcorn is hard to eat and dries their mouth and dog food swells when it gets wet so it fills them up faster Than I hang some carpthat smells pretty rank I catch them back in march and let them sit in a 5 gallon bucket with 3 things of BBQ sause and let that stand in the sun till hunntin season! Hang two buckets high up in a tree for the wind to carry that all over the mountain side! THan the greese spread that in front of the barrel so they will step in it and it gets on their paws and they track it all over the forest only to leave a trail for another bear to follow. ALso I do a honey burn or what cammeran hanes likes to call bear crack! its marshmellows Mapel syrup sugar and cherry kool aid and boil that until it turns into a hard candy but dont eat it cause it is very sweet! THe most important thing to remember when baiting is SWEET IS BETTER THAN STINK!!!
c'mon, how bout' a pic or two?? :thumb