Bear rug dilemma

So I have a little dilemma.. I was going to have my bear full body mounted and due to the tight winter budget, building and sell our homes and moving quite a bit I think ive decided to just rug my bear. He is almost back from the tannery and ive been talking to a few people about the taxidermist that I was going to use.
Everyone tells me not to waste my money because he will do a poor job on a rug. Come to find out he doesn’t even do the rug work; he sends them to a buddy to do.

Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should do or any taxidermist they would refer?
Thanks Care
Give Oquirrh Hill Taxidermy a call. He's in the Riverton/Bluffdale area and a bit out of the way, but he does some good work. Not sure if they do rugs or not, but good guys none the less and well worth the call.
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antlers scott mcphee in heber I've seen his rugs I take all my stuff to him he is good.