Bear Season Today.
9/1/06 4:38pm
The story begins. Today is the start of my first tags for this year. So Im sitting at work with again 1 hour to go with the truck packed up and ready to haul. Im dedicating this weekend specifically for bears... Ive been scouting this area for awhile. Ive gotten info from some good guys here on ways to increase my odds of finding said bears. Well Ive found them this weekend will be the deciding factor on whether they will show themselves. Im in an area between about 7,500ft and 9k ft. From oak to aspen. Ive found alot of berries in the area and have located marked trees and trees that in the past 3 weeks have been climbed by bears. Tomorrow before dusk im going to sneak into an area that is littered with berries and sign. Its a medium sized park with a couple ponds and wallows with dead standing and fallen trees, though it is fairly open I assembled a small natural blind. I have found nice sized bear tracks from recent in the area and their are currently a ranchers sheep close. The rancher informed me that "A large boar" has taken some of his sheep and he has seen quiet a bit of fawn kills in the basin. The plan entales getting close to where the majority of the bear sign is and in between him and the sheep. I will then proceed to put the many videos Ive studied on calling bears into play. With the wind blowing to the sheep and the calls aimed at bears direction I will start out with calling quite intensly, if this does not bring in the bruins I will go to a fawn or calf distress calls. If all else fails I will be keeping my eyes open for recent archery kill gut piles and any predator taken animals laying around and see if they show back up with any luck it sounds like we may get snow making the tracking easier and Ill pull every trick in the book. Ill be back on Tuesday and let you all know how it went.
It sounds like you found them and you're in the right area. :thumb Did that area have a acorn crop this year?
Cody, Meat is hunting here in CO and all we have in Colorado is Black. Though we might have a grizz or two but DOW hasn't confirmed that, yet.
ps. If I can figure out how to post video up. I have some good elk footage that ill put in the elk section.
if you ever decide to turn to hounds (not sure what your take is on me, some people hate the idea but just thought id throw the offer out) I personally dont train for bears but ive seen on another forum a guide willing to run some free bear hunts (id suggest a tank of gas at least, but thats up to you if you take it).. Im not familiar with the guide, he has a website ill look up and post here if you want. I know it sounds weird but i can understand where he's coming from with running a free hunt or two just wanting to get the dogs off the chain. I'll tell you though, dont criticize the hunt til you try it out, hunting behind a good, true hound is a blast!!! anyways, lemme know and i can put the post up on here if your not against hound hunters..
if not i respect the ways your tryin to hunt, i think thats awesome and i really do hope ya get one, thatd be a story for the grandchildren right there!!
Meat, Nice photo.
shoot me a PM with some info. on how far into colorado id be goin and how long your season is for that area and id love to hook a hunt up with you guys if it works out for me, never ran em over there yet :)
Hound_hunter- Id love to try and run some bears or cats with hounds. As long as its legal Im down with it. It sounds like a blast too, Ive seen alot of videos and read up on it running hounds. I just dont have any room for more dogs. My poor old lab couldnt track his tail. The cat would the edge I need. I have been watching him for years. I was going to try and
call him from the ground this year. He is a large tom and I have seen him quite a few times in the area. Im not too sure I want to call him and get snuck on or sit one of his kills. It seems his range is pretty short for a lion, I see him and his sign in the same 5 mile radius constantly and he has great feed. He loves to scream at me when I get too close (3X now) and follow me out after Ive killed my deer. And to say the least Im done with that game. I know of a 3 spots in the area that Ive seen cats and/or good sign as well so we maybe able to make a couple days out of it and get a couple tags. The drive from bountiful, Ut would be 297.4 miles. Wow only a couple miles more than I go each time. Bears or Cats would be great, cats would probably work better as my bear tags end at the end of Sept and I have deer and elk tags coming up. Jeff- that would be a wonderful time if you made it up to chase cats with hounds if we can all organize it.
anyways.. 300 miles is alright with me if youve got an area like your saying.. sounds too me like not too many other hound hunters are in the area if there that undisterbed and seem to be in the same are. just a question, how big of a hike is it from the nearest road to get into the general area? This really sounds like an ideal area for hound hunting, i feel like ive died and gone to heaven - i thought every slope was filled with 2 dozen different houndsmen and no cats over 3 yrs. left in this world. Itd be nice to see one someone might consider harvesting, haha!