Bear Taxidermy Question
9/13/08 4:37pm
The bear I shot in Alaska is almost finished by my taxidermist. It is a full body mount that is walking uphill from your right to left and his head is turned looking out into the room. He is mounted on a stand that is made of 2 x 4's and plywood. I would like to find some artificial rocks (light-weight) to make the habitat out of. I was wondering if there is an inexpensive way to constuct fake rocks or to buy artificial rocks at a decent price. I was going to buy sheets of moss to cover the rocks with. I found a Sitka blacktail buck skull on the beach that is a nice mossy green color to add in there as well. I thought there may be an instructional video or something that teaches you how to make fake rocks????? (???)
First you need to find some white Styrofoam (local arts and craft) I used the largest round that you can find. Cut them into the shape that you want (I started by cutting in half them smaller from there). Once you ha e your rocks shaped do a test lay-out on the platform. Now for the color and texture, you will need some fine sand and mortar mix, mix sand mortar to a thick slurry. Place this mix on the rock for texture you can use a course sponge, let dry over night (12-18 hrs). now they are ready for painting.
Best of Luck
Good luck
Congrad on a fine looking bear