Bear with me (pics)
7/15/08 11:29am
Here's some photos I took last weekend on a fishing trip up to the Sierra Mountian range here in California. My son and I were able to sneak up to 12 yards of this boar......if you're looking for a P&Y bear, here you go. Hope you enjoy. " alt="" /> " alt="" /> " alt="" />
Awsome pics by the way.
Seriously though, I've arrowed quite a few bears over the HUGE bear at 5 yards......and they aren't as fierce as most think. As long as it's not a sow with cubs (very dangerous), most will change zip codes in a second when they either see or smell you. This particular bear, I had the wind perfect.......once he came up by me (downwind) he was about 8 yards away! He blew out of there faster than a coues buck would. Was I worried? Heck know, I told my son as long as I could run faster than him, I'd be fine. (j/K) lol
Awesome photos BO
If I come home with a 200" buck from the Strip, I'm putting all of Muley Madness members photos on MY wall......right under Larry's, Kory's and Garrett's (guides). lol
those are some awesome pics and a great looking bear :not-worthy