Bears/Cougars with calls?

Does anyone know where I can get information on calling Bears/Cougars?

I hunt on Ft. Carson Colorado which is unit 591. Ft Carson is broken down into training areas. When I want to hunt I go to range control and sign out the training areas that I want. Some of the areas are closed due to military training (Training on a military installation??! Who'd a thunk it?).

What I want to do is setup near (200meters) the closed training area boundries and call the critters to me. I am thinking that calling from a tree stand would be best where cougars are concerned. They can get gosh awful close without be seen or heard. Don't think I will have to much trouble staying alert.

I can get coyotes to come in by sucking on the back of my hand, but that is all that have responded.

What do you think?
i know a guy who makes custom predator calls and i think hes really into calling bears. ill have to ask him when i get the chance
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I have always heard that the best way to call bears is to spot them first then call. They say it is possible to call them in blind but you better have plenty of wind as you have to constantly call. I think Wayne Carlton put out a video on calling bears and it is available at Cabela's.
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I will check Carlton Calls. I would realy be interested in what the custom call guy has to say.
jersey boy
I have a screaming cottontail handcall and ive called in beasr in virginia at my grandparents house but that was just for fun it wasnt bear season yet but tons of bears there i mean tons