Bears everywhere!
m gardner
9/10/09 7:33am
The area I hunt in Colorado has what the DOW says is a healthy bear population. Well the only acorns I found while scouting were tight against the north side of a long series of ribbon cliffs. I spent several days traveling and glassing these cliffs. (I started the season at 210 pounds and now weigh 191 if that gives you an idea of the severity of the terrain.) The only living thing I saw in the oaks were bears. Ten different individuals I could identify and others too. You could see the tops of the scrub oaks waving and figure there were more in the brush I couldn't see. You could hear some of the more vocal ones and fights too. At one point I got close enough to take pictures with my little Fuji FinePix. I felt really stealthy and smart until I realized I had 3 arrows and 8 shots in my 9mm and that the one big boar (that had a mother and 2 cubs up a tree and was circling it trying to figure out how to get them) would probably just as soon eat me instead. I watched for 3 hours then backed out. Here's pictures of 7 bears.
She rolls her eyes and says she feels sorry for the bears. lol