Beauty contest
Springville Shooter
9/29/09 7:11pm
Which do you think is more beautiful, this custom 243 by Cooper Montana, or this prime alpha male coyote?---shooter
I'll give the edge to the Cooper! nice rifle... I have two Coopers myself, one in M22 CC 7mm-08 and another in M52 Custom Sporter 30-06. Love 'em.
Model 22 Cooper Custom Classic, single shot, exhibition claro walnut.
Both rifles topped with good glass. Swarovski.
Now I just need a dead coyote to go next to them :thumb
Yours is a great picture by the way, nice set up and backdrop!
Love the rifles! Can't wait until I can add a couple more to my collection. Yours are super-high grade even for Cooper. Mine is just a bare bones model 22, but I love it. Do you hunt big game with your rifles? I want one for hunting deer in 280 ackley or 25-06 ackley. I also want a varmint in 204 for prarie dogs.----shooter
I've hunted with the 7mm-08 but have yet to pull the trigger on an animal. It clover leafs on paper. The '06 has only been sighted in. I plan on using it for elk if I can ever draw (???)
Only one problem, I'm afraid to scratch 'em, they're too dang pretty. :) "bare bones" will be my next one for this reason.. havent decided on the caliber though. Maybe a rimfire.
A 25-06 or 280 Ackley would be great choices! :thumb