Berger 168 gr. VLD

I shoot a .300 Ultra Mag for everything and a buddy convinced me to have him load me some 168's in the Berger VLD's. Not sure what he used for powder but said they should be pushing about 3450fps. What are your guy's experiences with this bullet. From everything I have seen on the show "The Best of The West" they look great. But that is also tv.

I shoot 168 gr. Barnes TTSX and am very happy with the results. I know it is not the same bullet but my rifle loves the load. Last year was my first year hunting with this load and I dropped both my mule deer and elk in their tracks.
Springville Shooter
I also shoot the VLD bullets in my ultra mag, but I shoot the 190grn. I have shot some deer at long range as well as a few pigs at medium range and had great results. My only reservation about your load is the velolcity you are pushing these bullets. I would be a little concerned about separation at those speeds on a close range shot. My advise would be to go to a heavier VLD. You will get even better downrange performance due to the significant increase in coefficient and the bullets will perform better at slower velocities. My load is 89.0 grains of IMR7828 and my MV is around 3250FPS. With an accurized remington sendero, this load shoots close to MOA at 1000 yds and has won a sanctioned 1000yd match and placed in several others. I believe that you need to get to these weight/coefficient bullets to really see the super magnum rifles shine. I think that the 168grn bullets are more suited for the 300win type cartridges.-------SS
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Springville Shooter,
Thanks for the reply. I may try upping my bullets to the 190 gr. How far were the shots on the deer you dropped. I don't think I'll be making any close shots. Most of mine are taken over 300 yards. However, I could get lucky and get a chip shot too.
Springville Shooter
I've killed blacktail deer out to 640 yds with this load. My furthest kill was a coyote at 720. I also killed several pigs ranging in weight from 100-400lbs in the 300-500yard range all with great results, the closer kills having the damage expected by a 190grn bullet hitting bone at 3000+ FPS.-------------SS
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How do you adjust for bullet drop on your loads. I sight in zero at 300 yards, which puts me about 2.5" high at a hundred and about 16 low at 500 yards. How to adjust for further distances and do you shoot at a range? I usually shoot rocks or stumps in the field for a realistic setting.
Springville Shooter
I start at the range and sight my rifle in for a 100yd zero. Then I progressively shoot further out keeping track of my actual drop at each range as well as the position on my turret. I then come back on another day to "prove" my holdover positons and adjust if needed. Once finalized data is established I make a card with the info that goes with that load and keep it with the rifle for field use where I also shoot alot of rocks and stumps and such. If I find a load that I want a long-term relationship with, I send the info to Leupold and have them make me a custom turret for that load so I don't need to carry the ballistic info, I can just dial and shoot. I used to order custom holdover reticles which are my favorite, but the company that I used went out of business and I haven't found another that does satisfactory work in my opinion. I still have these systems on my 25-06 and my 338 ultra and I protect them like gold. They are super fast and very accurate.-----------SS
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So you adjust your turrett for different ranges for each rifle. I have never thought about that, even considering "Best of The West" is one of my favorite shows and they talk about doping the scope. Is that what you do after you have spent many hours at the range? And what does it cost for custom turretts after you have found a good load combination? That sounds like the way to go.
Thanks Buddy,
Springville Shooter
Yes, custom turrets only come after hours of "proof" shooting at the range as nothing is more frusterating than paying nearly $100 for a custom turret that isn't quite on at some ranges. I order mine from Leupold and I think that they do a good job with them. I can help you when you are ready to get started. If you think you will ever venture a poke beyond 400 or so, I believe that a system like this and ALOT of practice are in order to stay on the ethical side of things.------SS
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Yes i have shot over 400 and plan on doing a lot more of it. The terrain I hunt, sometimes 600-700 is as close as you can stalk for an ambush point. I just looked at leupold's cds system. Is this what you are referring to? I have the vx-3 4.5-14 40mm but not the cds model. Can they still give me custom turrets for the scope I currently have or do i need a whole new scope? But I sure will make sure I love the load before I get the custom turrretts because they look pretty spendy, but they sure do look nice. Just like the Huskamaw scopes if you are familiar with those. How accurate are they after you get the custom turrett for your specific loads?
Thanks again,
Springville Shooter
I have not used the new system from Leupold, though it looks great. I have just used the scopes that come with target turrets on them, mainly the LR series scopes. The turret dials are removable on all target turrets and can be replaced with custom dials. As far as your scope, if it does not have target turrets on it, they can be installed by Leupold, but I would recommend just buying a new scope with target turrets and adjustable objective for parallax. As far as the accuracy, I have found that if the preparation is done right, shots out to 800yds in a modest wind are a piece of cake. After that, lots of other factors start coming into play and I don't recommend taking shots at game this far even in good conditions. I have never had a problem with the repeatability of the Leupold scopes and their warranty is second to none. This system will do anything the Huskamaw will do, but I have heard great reviews of that scope as well.-----------SS