Best all around rifle set up...
1/14/08 7:29pm
Hey guys...
Ill be lookin into a new rifle soon and I wanted some opinions. Im lookin for a rifle that can do it all... The best candidate for taken down bear, elk, whitetail, muleys, and anything else I might stumble into within the next decade. What do yall think? Also, whats the best scope combination?
Ill be lookin into a new rifle soon and I wanted some opinions. Im lookin for a rifle that can do it all... The best candidate for taken down bear, elk, whitetail, muleys, and anything else I might stumble into within the next decade. What do yall think? Also, whats the best scope combination?
As far as a make of rifle, there are a number of great ones out there, just find one that fits you and you should be good to go. Your only limit is what your budget allows. I own a number of rifles in various calibers and makes and models. I hunt with a Rem 700 ADL in .270 with a backup Win Mod 70 in the same caliber. Works great for both deer and elk, though I'd use my .30-06 if I were to ever hunt bear.
Scopes, whole other story. I've used 3X9's for years and really see no need for a change. Others love a 4X12, 3.5X10, fixed 4, etc. Personal choice there. Again, same with rifles, many great brands and your only limit is your budget. Get the best that you can afford and you'll be happy. I've got a Ziess Conquest on the Rem and will be putting a Leupold Century on the Win. Just bought them last year but wasn't able to hunt but my brother told me the Ziess is VERY nice.
Best thing I can tell you is shoot as many different models and calibers as you can (read as bum your friends rifles and shoot them) to decide what you like. I'm sure you'll hear many different opinions as to what caliber to get as most folks are very proud of their rifles. Used to be the main debate was between a .270 vs .30-06. That was over 40 years ago. Many great calibers have come to evolution since and each with their believers. Makes choosing much tougher. Good luck to you and let us know what you end up with!
I love .308 Norma Mag, but it’s hard on whitetail and real hard on yotes and to hard on me in the prairie dog towns.
I have hunted from Mexico to Alaska; the caliber that always is with me is 30-06, this caliber has never failed to do the job, even when I did my part poorly. You can always find ammo regardless of where you are, even in the gas station in Hawk Springs Wy.
As far as the type of rifle, I would take a real hard look at the CZ 550, or the Savage. I’m not sure if you can go wrong with any of the major brands, all have there good points, depending on what your likes are.
Scopes: find one that you like and fit’s your style of shooting. Most of them are of good quality, scopes don’t have to have a big name to be a great scope. Go to the local gun dealer that you trust, and then ask everyone you know.
There is no practice; it’s training for the future
M. Bird
a great gun to look at would be a 300 winchest short mag- in a tikka t-3. this cal. is very competitive with a 300 wby, faster and flatter than a 300 win mag [which i like the heck out of to] and has less recoil. the tikka t-3 is an outstanding gun, garrenteed under 1" groups from the factory, i believe they are using the meuser 98 action, which has been know as the best mad for decades, completly adjustable trigger on it and is just a great gun! and it is cheap for a new gun, about 450 -500$ great bargin!
lastly-- the gun can only shoot as well as the scope thats on it. pay as much as you can afford for a scope. scopes are a great example of " you get what you pay for" at least try and get a leupold 3-9 x40 for $200, great scope- awsome warrenty from leupold. if you can buy better , say a 50 mm objective, it will gather more light, than buy better. but to spend $500 bones on a gun than $80 bones on a scope dont make sence, you'll justr have to replace it in time.
oh and i shot a 30-06 for yrs before my 300 wby it is a great gun to
For me it does not hardly take any excuse to buy a new rfile because I love them all.