Best Antelope tag in Colorado?
5/18/07 12:43pm
So whats the best antelope tag in the state of Colorado in your minds? I'll have 8 points this year since I just drew another point. What Unit should I try for or should I wait 1 more year until I have 9 points?
Stickflicker- Id be happy with one just a bit smaller than yours....
LOL J/k of course.
I havent taken one with archery before so I probably wont be extremely picky. Im not sure I want to endure the 100'F days in a blind though.
So with Pronghorn hunting in Colorado other than the top 3 units in the state I would look into hunting the eastern plains getting access is the tough part but a lot of good goats come from out there. There are some outfitters leasing it up. But because it is almost ALL PRIVATE there are some bruisers to be had.
Just remember you can not really compare antelope in Colorado to Antelope in Nevada or Arizona there jsut bigger but a goat that make the books is just that a good one.
Here is a antelope I took in unit 4 rifle
a better angle to see the rest of horns