best buck yet
10/21/08 10:06pm
It all started when my brother found a deer that ive been watching for 2 years, finally showed back up the day before the rifle hunt after disappearing for over a month. I had plans to hunt a different area for the rifle hunt and when my brother found that buck I decided to hunt him for the entire hunt. So, I went out 2 of the first 3 days of the hunt and got skunked. I didn't even see a doe, pretty frustrating. Well the 4th day of the hunt i went back out to find the big buck, and once again i was skunked. so on the way back to the cabin my cousin and i drove up the field that usually has deer in it but usually doesn't have big deer hangin in there. well when we started lookin we seen what we thought was a decent 4x5 but really didn't stand out to me. but my cousin talked me into going after him saying he is bigger then looks. so as we made our way to the fire brake behind were the deer when into the trees, we found a place to sit and watch. this place was perfect there was no way that the deer was going to get by me with out me seeing him first. a little over an hour went by and there was no sign of that buck a few does but on bucks. so my cousin decided to go back to the cabin and get my dad and that would push thought the trees were we last seen the buck about 30 min. went by and all of the sudden i turned to my right to move behind a rock so a would have a good rest to shoot from and there he was right behind a doe. unfortunately i couldn't get a shoot there with the doe in from of the buck. they were no more that 20 yards a way a that point. being that close and were i was at they seen me and turned and was on a dead run quarterin away. I got one shoot of as he was running in and out of trees. i hit him. a little far back but i stopped him. he looked right at me at about 100 yards and i didn't dare drop to a knew to get a steadier shoot cause i thought he would run. so i took a standing shoot while i was shaken like crazy. missed right over the top of his back. he stood there and i fired one more shot that went right through his lungs he ran about 100 yards and fell over. what a stud i had no idea he was so big.
He scores 181
24inches wide and has 40 1/8 inches of mass.
ive got some better pics on my cousins camera ill post those as soon he sends them to me
He scores 181
24inches wide and has 40 1/8 inches of mass.
ive got some better pics on my cousins camera ill post those as soon he sends them to me
Congratulations on an awesome buck!
What a beauty, 10sign: 10sign:
are you getting him mounted?
Yes i am going to mount him he is probably on of the most unique bucks ive ever seen.