Best Calibers for Elk and Muleys
10/18/08 8:48am
I'm considering buying a new rifle that I will use to hunt Elk and Mule Deer. Any caliber suggestions? I'm considering the .300 win mag. and .300WSM.
The calibers that you are considering are fully capable of bring down both of the animals listed, and very popular rounds. If the recoil does not both you, also look at the .338mag, if you want to stay with the 30 calibers, what about a 308 Norma MAG.
If I had to only have one rifle in the safe (I glad I don’t that restriction) it would be the 30-06. You can hunt any thing in North America. Using the 55gr accelerators for coyotes to a 220 gr. Round nose with out reloading (store bought). You will find 30-06 ammo about every place to include the little back woods store.
Best of luck with your choices
M. Bird
As far as 300 mag vs short mag. There is really no reason ballistically to use the short mag...I like it for the shorter action and lighter weight, but would never steer anyone away from the 300 mag.
I shot a 30'06 for years and never could get confortable with it. It was a combinaion of factors, but in the end that particular rifle wasn't a good fit for me. I find the recoil on my 300 WSM far more manageable than my old 30'06. Shooting more than you are comfortable with will result in getting results far below what your firearm is capable of providing.
He grew up in Washington & Oregon.. He hunted Deer, Elk, Coons, Bear and Lion his entire life...
I have so much respect for him. He has years of stories from his hunting experiences.
When I drew for my bear tag this year I asked him to come along. Unfortunately he cannot due to his bad knees. But I am determined im going to get him up there next month with us.
He say's ... All I used to kill my bear and lions with was my trusty old .22 his father gave to him when he was young. "Just pluck 'em between the eyes" he says..
I have only been elk hunting for 3 years and I have killed 2 bulls. I use a .280 and dropped them both with the first shot...
My husband has killed many bulls and bucks, usually uses a 30.06. A couple years ago he took his grandfathers 30 30 with open sites. A spike came out of the pines about 800 yards away across the canyon. I didn’t think he would hit him.. 1st shot he dropped..