best cam?
8/27/07 8:08pm
whats a good trail camera that doen't cost an arm and leg?

8/30/07 1:12pm
it really all depends on what exactly you want the strong points of your camera to be.. quick trigger time? High quality pictures? There is not in my opinion a cam that does it all.. If you answer these questions Im sure the people hear can help ya out with picking a cam to suit your needs

9/1/07 5:05pm
i need a quick trigger with good enough qaulity that i can tell if i got a good buck or a dink

9/4/07 2:44pm
Id go with the Wildview 4.0.. Its cheap (around 100.00) It has a very fast trigger time, great range for pics and you can tell what the animal is, but they arent high quality pics. Check out some of my posts in this section. The pics that are lower quality are from the wildview.. I don't think anything gets past that cam without it triggering!!