Best Elk Rifles?

I know this is all preference but what is the best gun out there in your opinion and what do you hunt with? Also what scopes do you like.
I like a lot of different calibers for elk from 270 to 338 but I'd have to say 300 Win Mag would have to be favorite due to availability of ammo if needed and versatility of the caliber itself. With that said I hunt with my Browning A-bolt 300 WSM. I honestly think I will never hunt with another rifle unless someone gives me a new one.

As far as glass I'd have to say Leupold is my favorite. Due to quality for the price. Matter of fact i am looking at a new scope right now.
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I like the 300 RUM my daily shooter is a 7mm mag both are good for elk.
I shoot a .300 Win Mag on pretty much everything. Mulies, Elk, and Coyotes.
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The 300 win mag is a good choice. Premium bullets like Barnes are the best. My all time favorite is the 338-06 A-Square though. Right now I'm useing a TC Venture rifle in 300 win mag with a 4x Weaver K4 scope. It shoots better than it should.
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I use a Browning 7mm semi-auto for elk and mule deer. Killed both with 1 shot each this year using Hornady ammo. Before that, swore by my good ole remington 700 bdl in 30-06. As for scopes I have a Simmons on 7mm and Nikon. My son used a Howa 22-250 with a Pentax this year for his first deer also using Hornady ammo.
I love my 7mm rem mag. I have had no problem putting them down with it. I can load them a little lighter for deer and pretty heavy for elk.
7 mag and barnes :thumb
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Any rifle larger than .24 calibers that you shoot well, please don’t watch the hunting shows that show these 600yd shots.
I would recommend in the .30 cal. You don’t need to shoot in the next county.
30-06 has dropped many elk and deer, 165gr traveling around 2850fps has done the job for me.
"crash0ride" wrote:I know this is all preference but what is the best gun out there in your opinion and what do you hunt with? Also what scopes do you like.
I shoot a Remington XCR RMEF edition 30.06 with a Leupold VX-3 scope. Don't listen to those that say the Remington 700 is an unsafe firearm. That's all bull from the anti-gun crowd. Not too many long shot opportunities here in KY but if I had one, lets say 300yds, I would not hesitate. I am sighted in with 1 1/2 in group at 200. The only thing I have taken with this gun however is a few yotes at about 180 yds. Shoulder shot and almost cut him in two using Remington 55 grain psp. Stirctly a load for varmints though. But then I digress. Hope to be able to use it Elk hunting one of these fine days. :thumb
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Remington model 700 in 300 win mag, with a Bushnell legend 5 x 15 x 40. it is the only gun you need.

Springville Shooter
My personal elk favorite is my 7MM Dakota with 160grn accubonds. I've only shot two elk, but they've both been boomfloppers. If I had to recommend a generic best rifle for elk I would probably jump on the 300 win band wagon and recommend 180+ grn bullets. Realistically, any big game caliber will work fine. I don't like the 25-06, but my shooting/reloading mentor has killed over 20 elk with one shot each using 120grn partitions.------SS
I have a Cooper 30-06 topped with a Swarovski scope that I'll be using for elk this coming September.

I have no doubt it'll do the job if the opportunity presents itself. :thumb
"M.Bird" wrote:Any rifle larger than .24 calibers that you shoot well, please don’t watch the hunting shows that show these 600yd shots.
Best advice given yet.

IMHO, most folks who feel the need to use the largest caliber they can stomach to shoot are not accurate and rely on a larger round and more power to make up for their own inefficiencies. An absolute perfect heart shot does not mean an animal will drop in it's tracks.

Come to think about, an animal that runs off 200 yards will still drop in it's tracks (???)

But I digress. Find a rifle in a caliber that YOU can shoot and is comfortable for YOU. If you don't reload you might want to think about a common round that is readily available.
Springville Shooter
"ABert" wrote:
IMHO, most folks who feel the need to use the largest caliber they can stomach to shoot are not accurate and rely on a larger round and more power to make up for their own inefficiencies.
..........or you could pick a good solid big game caliber that will efficiently kill elk at whatever angle you must shoot at the furthest range you will ever be tempted to shoot,(most people are dishonest about this) and TRAIN yourself to shoot it well and tune/adjust your rifle and loads until you can shoot your 270, or 7 Mag, or 300 win just as accurately as your favorite varmint rifle. Then you have really accomplished something and are more ready for any situation you might encounter in the field. Many will disagree with me, but I consider myself a pretty accomplished rifle shot and have several rifles in 24 and 25 caliber that I could hit an elk in the heart with at any prctical range and I would never attempt to take an elk with them. I consider the 270 and 308 win as minimums for elk. So here's my overall list of favorites:

Overall-300 Win
My Favorite-7MM Dakota
Coolest-35 Whelen
Tough guy-338 Win

As far as scopes, I personally use Leupold period. I've been through them all and found that you can't beat the quality, durability, and service of these optics for field use.-------SS
Id say the 300 win mag becuase of the wide range of bullet weights and the distance range of the caliber.

I would say the 7mm mag or 7mm STW would be my 2nd choice.

The good ole 270 and 30-06 have killed plenty of elk and still do.... :thumb
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I use my Remington 700 in 7mm mag and 270 cal. haven't reloaded but would like to, use to reload all my shotgun shells.