Best mule deer and elk state

Hi, I'm looking to relocate from Texas to either Colorado or Utah and would like some opinions and suggestions to which state and where in the state would you choose to live to hunt mule deer and elk. Thanks!
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colorado has the most and best popalation of elk and some of the biggest muley bucks! :thumb
utah is hard to beat but... good luck getting a tag!
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and eny where in the mountains in colorado is a good spot to hunt some huge bucks and the biggest elk populaiton in the country! :thumb
lol CB. i thought you dont like people. sounds like you want the feller to come there.haha
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Nope no deer no elk in Colorado.
lots in Utah! Yup Yup Utah . thats the place.
j/k kind of
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as long as colorado beats utah in the best hunting spot im happy :thumb
Elk has much bigger bulls, but tags are nearly IMPOSSIBLE to get unless you buy them with a lot of money.

Colorado has better deer management and herds IMO.

So tough call, not sure I'd move entirely based on Deer and Elk myself.

Find the nicest town/people, that's more beneficial to ones happiness and they both have good hunting. :)
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Are we callin Utah "Elk" now. I mean, I know some great bulls have been taken there this year, but I'm not sure we should rename the state "Elk." Jk Brett lol

Colorado's the place to be.
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Utah also has much nicer people than Colorado just look at this forum lots of nice Utens. Colorado full of grumpy people.
I'd deffinately move to utah if I werer you.
no i think colorado has nicer people i live in utah and im not very nice. there are also hardly any elk and especially no deer and still i cant draw a tag to save my life. colorado is the place to be. :)
it all depends on what you are after. if you are after a 300 class elk and opportunity out the rear then yes colorado is your baby. if you have 15 years to wait for a chance at a 400 class bull then utah is where you want to be. the deer herd on the other hand i can only tell you about utah i have never been in colorado to hunt mulies. the deer are here if you are willing to get off your behind and look for them.
i've thought about this before... and I would live in colorado for the year to year hunting cause their general season public land hunts are better than utahs... so I'd live there for the year to year hunting so I have something to do for the 15-20 years that i'm applying for Utah out of state elk.
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I hunted Colorado last year and saw more deer there then I ever have in Utah just on the side of the road.
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Ok, seems like Colorado has more votes. What are some good areas in Colorado to hunt?
Really anywhere, haha.. Just do a tiny bit of research and you can easily find units worth buying a tag in. I've hunted one unit far north, several units in the central western part of the state, and this year i'm headed to the southernmost border to try it out. There's good hunting all over, i'm not gonna cheat you out of doing your own research though :thumb

There's a couple units for deer where if you're willing to really do some homework on you can draw trophy class tags in a matter of a couple years, and then there's also units where if you want to shoot just your average 4X4 you can do that almost every year.

Colorado's not your only option though, there's a number of states out there with great hunting and easy to draw tags if you look around. (It can be a ton of work sometimes though)
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"davehaze" wrote:Ok, seems like Colorado has more votes. What are some good areas in Colorado to hunt?
The ones closest to Utah so you dont have too far to drive from Utah.
You can kill big muleys, antelope, and big horn right here in TX.
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unit 35 has some monster bucks in it. just about a mounth ago i saw 6 really big 4 points and 1 5X6 and a 5X5 buck up there. and for elk up near craig has some big bulls :thumb
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Come on now Coloradsobuck where in unit 35 did you see big bucks?
were you being serious? or on private?
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ya i was serious they were on public. there'es ton of monster bucks up there! and smaller bucks as well.
Arizona is the place you fools but dont move here tags are hard enough to come by