Best mule deer and elk state
10/4/07 6:13pm
Hi, I'm looking to relocate from Texas to either Colorado or Utah and would like some opinions and suggestions to which state and where in the state would you choose to live to hunt mule deer and elk. Thanks!
lots in Utah! Yup Yup Utah . thats the place.
j/k kind of
Colorado has better deer management and herds IMO.
So tough call, not sure I'd move entirely based on Deer and Elk myself.
Find the nicest town/people, that's more beneficial to ones happiness and they both have good hunting. :)
Colorado's the place to be.
I'd deffinately move to utah if I werer you.
There's a couple units for deer where if you're willing to really do some homework on you can draw trophy class tags in a matter of a couple years, and then there's also units where if you want to shoot just your average 4X4 you can do that almost every year.
Colorado's not your only option though, there's a number of states out there with great hunting and easy to draw tags if you look around. (It can be a ton of work sometimes though)
were you being serious? or on private?