best muzzleloader on the market
6/19/06 12:05am
what do you guys think the best muzzle loader on the market is
I'm testing out a demo Lyman Mustang for a friend and I will let you know how it shoots. I should be getting it within the next week. It looks like it could be a good smokepole.
Dont' mind cleaning it but I don't have any experience with the Tompson's or other brands that claim to be easier to clean.
Good luck in your search!
Its the most accurate gun i have ever shot.
This is what my Gun loves !!! :)
This was a 4 shot group ( 70yrds ) with a gun vise to see how accurate it would shoot with my powder, primer and Sabot combo .
I would love to try an Omega, or the Remington Genisis.
Let us know what you get and how you like it.
Anyone with a Encore and not happy with it , this guys is the Encore'' PRO'' and has some great info and after market parts . mine cost me around 25.00 +/- to get her driving tacks . MY encore is NOW the best shooting gun i have ever owned . :)
and a great review on the Apex !! :thumb