best muzzleloader on the market

what do you guys think the best muzzle loader on the market is
Are you talking about a traditional or an in-line muzzleloader? The Omega and ProHunter are great in-lines. I used to own a Knight Bighorn and it was a great gun, but hard to clean.( I wish that I wouldn't have sold it)

I'm testing out a demo Lyman Mustang for a friend and I will let you know how it shoots. I should be getting it within the next week. It looks like it could be a good smokepole.
cool id like to here the results for that gun your trying. sorry i forgot to looking for a new inline
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Its hard to beat a Knight. I have a D.I.S.C. Elite and love it.
Dont' mind cleaning it but I don't have any experience with the Tompson's or other brands that claim to be easier to clean.

Good luck in your search!
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I have a couple of Knights , a DISC and a MK-85, love them both, but whatever you buy ,you will need to experiment with powder, bullets.
yea i like the tripple 7 powder but its alot of cash for it though. ill probaly use pirodex or how ever you spell it
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I bought the T/C thumbhole stock omega this year ang got my first mulie with it. I love it cleans easy and shoots nice to! I used 245 grain powerbelt hollow tip with 100 grain pellets.
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I really like my Tradition Pursuit pro .
Its the most accurate gun i have ever shot.

This is what my Gun loves !!! :)" alt="" />

This was a 4 shot group ( 70yrds ) with a gun vise to see how accurate it would shoot with my powder, primer and Sabot combo ." alt="" />
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I have New Frontier Beartooth (CVA WOLF) I have shot 3 295grn. Powerbelts that can be covered with a quater @ 100yrds. Its nice and light but I have had a problem using pellets in it.

I would love to try an Omega, or the Remington Genisis.

Let us know what you get and how you like it.
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I bought the new T/C Omega Z5 thumbhole stock this year, love it took my first buck with it. Shoots nice, light, and the thumhole is nice and comfortable.
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So it 2010 what is the most accurate ML out of the box at 200yds in today market & the one you would buy.
I did my research last year and all the write ups said the CVA Apex. I bought one and love it. You can even adjust the trigger. It's a lot better than the Encore IMHO and its half the price.
I did my research last year and all the write ups said the CVA Apex. I bought one and love it. You can even adjust the trigger. It's a lot better than the Encore IMHO and its half the price.
Mind me asking where you bought it and how much?
"MuleyMadness" wrote:
I did my research last year and all the write ups said the CVA Apex. I bought one and love it. You can even adjust the trigger. It's a lot better than the Encore IMHO and its half the price.
Mind me asking where you bought it and how much?
I bought it at a Cabelas in Mitchell SD. Most Cabelas have them. I paid $525 out the door.
Thanks for the info.
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I have a encore and it a shooter NOW , after doing a bunch of work on it . When i got mine it would NOT lock up tight , tons of play between the receiver and barrel and i could not keep the stock tight . ](*,) After adding a 1X over sized hinge pin and stronger locking bar spring ,all is well . 10sign: my 1nd choice would be the TC Omega and 2nd the CVA Apex :thumb

Anyone with a Encore and not happy with it , this guys is the Encore'' PRO'' and has some great info and after market parts . mine cost me around 25.00 +/- to get her driving tacks . MY encore is NOW the best shooting gun i have ever owned . :)

and a great review on the Apex !! :thumb
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"UtahRob" wrote:I have a encore and it a shooter NOW , after doing a bunch of work on it . When i got mine it would NOT lock up tight , tons of play between the receiver and barrel and i could not keep the stock tight . ](*,) After adding a 1X over sized hinge pin and stronger locking bar spring ,all is well . 10sign: my 1nd choice would be the TC Omega and 2nd the CVA Apex :thumb

Anyone with a Encore and not happy with it , this guys is the Encore'' PRO'' and has some great info and after market parts . mine cost me around 25.00 +/- to get her driving tacks . MY encore is NOW the best shooting gun i have ever owned . :)

and a great review on the Apex !! :thumb
I second that. Mike Bellm knows the encore top to bottom centerfire or muzzy, i have the encore and it shoots great (1" 3 shot group at 100 yds with 270 grn powerbelt 130 grns pyrodex pellets) My buddy has the triumph and it shoots just as good for half the price
As much as they want for an Encore it should drive tacks out of the box and if it doesn't T/C should be embarrased enough to make it right at no cost to the owner. The reason you pony up the dough for the high end stuff is not to have to fix it up.
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I have had the same ML up until this year, a Knight MK85 and for the last 12 years it has been my go to firearm. I really hate to give it up as it shoots 3/4" groups at 75 yards and hold that pattern even after 4-5 shots(hard to get the sabot down the barrel though). I broke down and bought a new CVA Optima Pro and I will honestly tell you that it shoots dang near as good. 100 grains of pyrodex powder(not pellets) and a 240grn TC jacketed HP and its a 1" or less gun at 100 yd. It was a steal at $219 from the Sportsmans guide and a heck of a lot easier to clean than the Knight. Its purdy too (stainless fluted barrel and camo stock).