Best overlapping Wyoming Mule Deer/Antelope units

Hello everyone form NC! I’m new to the board. I am in the process of planning a Wyoming DIY Muley and Antelope hunt in ’12 or ’13. I should have 1 or 2 preference point/s built up by then. Does anyone know from experience which overlapping units would be best for Mulies/Antelope with respectable trophy size and numbers? The units don’t have to overlap but I would like to hunt units that are relatively close to one another. I have read several articles but now I’m looking for anyone that has personal experience that can help me choose which units to apply for. Thanks for any information and good luck to all of you hunting this fall!!
I’m headed to Idaho next month for my first elk hunt!
102 for deer and 59/112 for antelope. Your odds of getting both tags are pretty slim though, since you don't have max points for either speicies.

Region G overlaps with several pretty good antelope units, but I doubt you would be hunting both species in the same area. That's been my experience anyway. I have never hunted outside of the western part of the state so I don't know what you might find elsewhere.
dahlmer is right on with the info posted
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Thanks for the information!