Best State???

What is the best state to hunt elk in on public land? Maybe interested in elk hunting for elk during the rifle season and need more info on which state is better.
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There is alot of factors to go into with that one. draw hunts vs otc tags,the number of hunters in an area, the number of elk in an area. Its hard to say for me. each state has a place that has big animals,with good access. I have only hunted 3 states for elk all over the counter so I'm no expert. But its starting to be a rich mans sport to hunt out of state.
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Best State, i would say Arizona, but you will be waiting a long time to draw a good unit. JMO

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We hunt Public land in Colorado. We have had decent success, for a bunch of Louisiana DIY hunters that can't scout until we are actually hunting. We were having to draw for tags. Now we have slid back to the 2nd combined rifle season and purchase OTC tags.
You're right about this getting to be a "rich man's game". It's tough to carve out the cost plus the vacation time from work. I find myself considering giving up my whitetail hunting just to make sure I can make my trip out west every year.

Good Luck
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"BADrury" wrote:We hunt Public land in Colorado. We have had decent success, for a bunch of Louisiana DIY hunters that can't scout until we are actually hunting. We were having to draw for tags. Now we have slid back to the 2nd combined rifle season and purchase OTC tags.
You're right about this getting to be a "rich man's game". It's tough to carve out the cost plus the vacation time from work. I find myself considering giving up my whitetail hunting just to make sure I can make my trip out west every year.

Good Luck
You sound just like me, i don't whitetail hunt at all anymore. but i wouldn't miss my 2 week trip out west for anything.

"BADrury" wrote:We hunt Public land in Colorado. We have had decent success, for a bunch of Louisiana DIY hunters that can't scout until we are actually hunting. We were having to draw for tags. Now we have slid back to the 2nd combined rifle season and purchase OTC tags.
You're right about this getting to be a "rich man's game". It's tough to carve out the cost plus the vacation time from work. I find myself considering giving up my whitetail hunting just to make sure I can make my trip out west every year.

Good Luck
I happen to know a group of Cajuns that have been hunting CO for a number of years now, though they are from the northern part of the state. Great group of characters and we try to see them each year.
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If you want to draw for a tag look into Pa or Ky. It is hard to get a tag in those states but the success rates are high if you get a tag.
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imo best state for big bulls utah
best state toget an over the counter tag and have success colorado or wyoming
I would say New Mexico would be hard to beat, No point system good bulls plenty of public land. Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, Wyoming, Montana in that order is what I would hunt if I could get the tags. Montana and Wyoming have good elk hunting but not as good as in recent years do to wolves, bears and so so managment.

If your looking to just get out and hunt Colorado is the way to go but lots of people to deal with.
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sorry guys, but i have to jump in on this one new mex is the place for me.
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10 hunters = 10 different answers. Join the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and read their info and make a decision based on what best meets your needs. AZ, MT, NM, PA TN have long waits with higher success. In PA or somewhere like OK you can only draw a tag once in your lifetime but I know a guy who shot a 400+ bull with that 1 tag he got. I would rather hunt every year like I have in CO where I have had 5 elk in 7 years and 3 bulls. If you wanted to ensure you'd get a tag you could come to colorado but we have about 10% success rate partially due to the high number of tags and partially the 4 heelers effect in public lands. I personally witnessed 50 4 wheelers come up road last year neat Vail during the prime of the hunt (those hunters are included in the number for success).
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I'd have to go with Montana. Excellent OTC Elk hunts!