best time

Is it still early to go find sheds have the deer and elk started dropping yet I am new to this so any info you can help me with would be great.
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Depends or your location. WHere are you at?
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Oh sorry forgot to put that didnt I im in vernal utah
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Deer in four weeks Elk in eightweeks. Some guys go out early but odds are better to find them if they are on the ground. Also after this last storm or in deep snow we dont want to push em. Respect the wildlife we all love and karma will lead you right to a beautiful matched set!
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Well, I'd say for where gottoad is at ya, cause he knows his wildlife, but where I'm at Elk starting to drop and deer 6 to 8 weeks away for me.
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Thanks for the replies where you guys from any other tips would be appreciated
End of Feb. for deer, April for elk. But everyone everywhere in Utah start hiking way to early before they all drop anyways so it tough to keep eyes on something you want to find without someone booing them out of the area before they drop.
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Shedfreak88 I don't get it. I'm one state away from UT, I'm in NM, and the elk drop first where I'm at but most places like UT deer drop first. It makes no sense.
elkantleraddict yeah it doesn't make much sense to me either, that's just how it is around here. A lot of people don't understand when bucks or bulls shed and its different everywhere and that's why there's such a big problem with people out hiking to early and pushing the animals out of the area before they drop. Like bucks in sonora mexico, I know guys that just got back from guiding deer hunts down there just last week and the rut is just coming to and end.