better luck this year!?
one hunting fool
9/21/12 9:15am
Well I hope so anyway. Been so busy this year again I have not made it out hunting at all for the bow season. I still have the Muzzle Loader and rifle season though. So while working up the canyon this season I found some time to hike into a new area (with help from a cattle rancher) I found some great bucks to go for in a few days. they are about 10,000 ft and I am so excited. Got my CVA shooting right on and with luck a big 5 x 5 will be in camp next week. I was working so did not have a camera on me so no pic's this week. This is a true puplic land hunt and the only problem (other than other hunters) is that last saturday started a limited entry elk hunt. I sure hope they did not skatter the deer to much. Last year I missed a nice buck on the rifle do to a brand new scope that was perfectly sighted in when i left for the hunt and somehow was off about 2' high and 8" right. Then I missed a buck at 20 yards during the extended archery do to mechanical rest malfunction. This year fingers crossed is my year! :!:

9/21/12 11:00am
Sounds like fun. I can't wait till October rolls around. Good luck.

9/22/12 5:34pm
Good luck to ya! I'm itching to get out for the muzz opener as well. Sounds like you've got some great deer to find again.