bi-pod or tri-pod?

I'll be going on an elk hunt in Utah this fall (5 weeks from now!!) I would like to buy some shooting sticks. Is a bi-pod or a tri-pod recomended? What brands and models are good/bad?
First of all welcome to the site.
As for shooting sticks, the only one I have ever tried is a Bi-pod (made by snipe pod) I like them for the steadiness, and how light they are, however they fold back to the trigger which I do not like, so you have to un attach them if you are going to walk somewhere else. My friend has a harris pod, and it is really nice, but heavy.

I have never tried one of the sticks that does not attach to the rifle. Im sure someone on here has a little more experience with them then I do.
I use two hands and a backpack. Easier to carry. When I cant hold/carry my own rifle they can start building the pine box. I shot at a doe at 602 yrds last fall off my backpack and only missed because of my own stupidity( used the wrong reticle tic ).
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I shoot off my backpack as well. I also X my trekking poles with a Voile' ski strap and use them as shooting sticks if I'm sitting.
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What about when you're in a standing position?...or do you just find a way to sit or lay down?
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Standing, if I have no chance to get prone or seated, I will pin my forward palm against a tree and rest my rifles forearm on my forearm. Generally I prefer to stalk from up high so I am usually crawling on a ridge. If not up high I am in the trees. No shortage of deadfall to rest my rifle on. I always shoot from a supported position, always, or I don't shoot at all. I never sacrifice shot placement.