Big Archery buck

Finally got the big One!!!! Very happy, but very tired. This is a public hunted deer. I am very tired so the whole story will have to wait until I am up to typing, but could not wait to share the picture." alt="" />


Man I'm happy for you, what a beautiful buck! Congrats, I'll leave you alone on the questions for now. But I can't wait to hear the story.


Tis a beauty.

Thanks for the picture.
WOW. What a buck. I notice that you have a crossbow sitting there. How are they to shoot? I've always wanted to try one. Can't wait to read the story. CONGRATS
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sweet deer man hope i see one like that this weekend lets hear the story!
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.......Sweeeeeet :thumb

Bow season starts tommorow here :arrow
That is a sweet buck what state did you get him in?
Finally have a minute.
I went in to where I thought the bucks might come out and setup. I found a good stump to lean up against and waited. It was 3:00 P.M. in the afternoon. I sat very still and made no noise. I sprayed down with scent control every hour and waited. At 7:20 P.M. I heard some noises coming out of the pines to my left. I very slowly turned my head and noticed a buck about 25 yards away. He was a pretty good three point, not the buck I wanted, but this time of year and with bucks tending to bunch up I decided to position my bow.

I held just past a small pine for what I thought might be that three point to start walking out. I knew that there was a pretty big four point hanging around with this bunch of bucks that I had seen several times scouting, but was not fully prepared for what stepped out next. An even bigger buck than the one I shot stepped out around fifty yards and at the same time my buck stepped out at around 25 yards. I quickly decided not to chance the fifty yard shot, positioned on the 25 yard buck and shot.

He bucked his back legs and bolted. He ran about 200 yards. As he ran I noticed the buck had that hit good look with his swaying and stumbling. I figured I had hit him but was still unsure. With the adrenalin pumping, and my heart pounding clear up in my throat and barley able to get to my feet, I decided to go try and find my arrow.

As I walked past where he had been when I shot, I looked for blood and could not see any. The doubts started to flood in and the thought of a missed shot crept in. I walked out past where I had shot and to the left I found my arrow stuck in a log. I reached down and grabbed the arrow and it was soaked with blood. Whoa what a sense of relief, a good hit.

I decided to go back to camp and wait an hour to start to track. I looked at my watch and it was 7:30, oh boy a dark hunt for my buck. I decided better to track him later, rather than to risk pushing him on a wild run and never find him. I walked back to camp thinking about this buck all the way, hoping the hit was good enough for a quick death. Back at camp I gathered lights and my coat and a few other supplies and waited for my buddy Steve to get back and give him the good news. At 8:30 I could not wait any longer and went back up after writing a pretty graphic note about hitting the big buck.

I went back in and started looking around and soon after Steve came up and offered to help find him. We looked for blood until 12:00 midnight but could find nothing. Sick about the whole thing we decided to head back, get some sleep, and come back and look in the light the next day. At this point I was having all kinds of thoughts about shot placement and no blood and wasted meat, sleepless night headed my may.

After a bit of tossing and turning, the lighting and thunder rolled in, then the rain. Great! Washed away blood, more good news. Finally it's getting light, I jump out of bed, get dressed and woke Steve, let him know I was headed back in. from 6:00 a.m. until about 9:00 p.m. criss crossing back and forth, wide sweeps, circling around, Steve finds blood, another 200 yards or so the tracks and blood disappear and behind a small pine Steve hollers here he is!!! After an enzone type of dance, reality struck, I finally have my big buck.....

He is 30.5 inches wide, 24 3/4 high. He scores 193 3/4 and is a 5x5 or 6x6 with the eye guards counted. He has two drop tines on his g1's and 4 button's on his g'3's, one of which is just shy of an inch.

For me a buck of a liftime. He was taken on public ground, in Utah, with a general archery tag.

Now for the 40+ incher ????????
WOW!! What a story and what a buck again!!

CONGRATS!! Never shot a crossbow, but it sounds challenging for sure. You say there was another one bigger? DANG! Yours is pretty tough to beat.

Surely you took a bunch of other photos of that beast right? I'd love to see some more angles of him. That dropper is SWEET!

Thanks for the update and story, truly exciting.


I do have more pictures and plan to get them up soon. I should have gotten more, but we concerned with several factors, the heat was going to ruin the meat if we did not take care of it soon, also the velvet needs taken care of for mounting purposes as soon as possible. Also the cape was a big concern with the heat. With all those risks we decided to get him out quick and taken care of. I have 2 fridges, 2 freezers and none big enough to house the Antlers so they sit at the taxidermists freezer waiting to get mounted.

I wish I had a few more from the side now, but in due time :)

Another view." alt="" />
I'm guessing you will be trying to save the velvet? That is one very, very nice buck. Great job! :thumb
I guess I need to ad this because I am being ask alot about how come I get to use a crossbow.

13 years ago I had both hands cut off in an accident, it also broke my back, crushed my pelvis, broke my hip, and legs. I thought my hunting days were gone! The doctors at the UofU reattached my hands and arm. I could not walk for over a year and have had 19 surgeries. I qualify for a crossbow permit because I can not physically pull a traditional bow back. Crossbows are not magical bows that allow you to shoot great distances and require just as much practice and yardage adjustments as any other bow. They also have a much more limited range than most compound bows today. At forty yards these guy's drop of sharp. So I have not taken many shots most bow hunter could have. I shot this buck at 25 yards and am proud that I did so with a bow. Any healthy person could have shot this buck with any legal bow!

Also that is not a scope, it is 1x multi range site.
That is one hell of a story. I'm glad that you are able to get out and enjoy the things that you like to do in life. To hear about the dedication and the drive that keeps you going is an insperation to me. It sure puts things into perspective when I think that the world is picking on me. I just hope that if I ever get put into that type of situation that I would be able to perserver(sp) the way that you have. Keep up the good work and HUNT ON! :arrow
Thanks so much, I am getting hammered on other sites and I should have know that the class act folks here on MuleyMadness would not do so. I appreciate the kind words and encouragement you have given me!
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They are probably just jealous......I know I am :)
Getting hammered for what? I can kind of relate about people getting on ya about this stuff. I also posted the elk poll on the utah division forum and they are almost pounding down the door to get me to tell them where the pictures of the elk came from(which unit). It makes me wish that I had never put it up there in the first place. The good part is that pictures like yours have took the heat off of me. Hopfully they will lay off of you soon to. :))
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I am glad I located this website, I don't search for stuff to look at, I can usually find a link. But I did search for mule deer, and now that I found it, I am glad to see good people are on this forum. Great looking buck, I can't beleive a bigger one stood beyond this one, and public land, no limited entry unit, outstanding!!!

I read the other posts on other sites and this is what I put on there on your behalf.

Elkeholic, That is an awesome buck. Any man or woman that reads these posts would kill to have a buck like that. I think that it is awesome that you are still able to hunt and still enjoy life to its fullest. I have a really good friend who was crushed by a thirty foot wall while framing a big commercial building and it broke his back in three places well this happened about three weeks after he got married and he hasn't given up in fact he is very happy. He is paralyzed from the waist down. I think that all of us can learn alot from people that have had these tragedies/blessings like yourself and my friend. Never give up and you can accomplish anything. Anyway great buck and keep up your spirits and just blow off these wise guy remarks its just jealousy.
Best of luck to everyone else. I've had buck fever all year and I have been out every weekend since opening and have seen a lot of deer and I hate to say it but I have missed 8 shots.... 3 of which were within 35 yards, but oh well thats how the cookie crumbles again great buck and hopefully i'll be posting a buck on here next week as I am going out again this weekend.

Thanks again for all the great comments!
Don't care what equipment you used......HECK of a buck man.....congratulations, you deserve it!
Here is another view of him, this one shows the dropper on the right side, it does not quite drop down, but it is over an inch long." alt="" />
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first off your first mistake was to even check out the Utah DWR website. That is the biggest joke and is frequented by immature people with nothing better to do. Congrats on the buck, he is really a dandy. I agree that crossbows don't have the range compounds do which makes your kill even better. Keep up the good work.
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Nice buck. I wish I could hunt with a cross bow. that would be allot of fun.nice job
Don't care what equipment you used......HECK of a buck man.....congratulations, you deserve it!
I second that....
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Awesome buck, congrats!!
That is a great buck. Congrats on a awesome buck. Jealousy brings out some bad things in alot of people so dont sweat the small stuff. Sounds like you put in your time and had a great hunt. Way to go.
thanks for the story! WOW nice buck! i hope i get a shot at a buck like that!
hey i saw you in the trophy hunter magazine!!!
That is a great buck and thanks for the story...loved it!!
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That is a great matter what method you used. I to am looking at not being able to use the compound anymore as my back and shoulder are getting worse. So I have been looking into a crossbow.

Anyway that is a great buck and a good story.Very glad you found your buck.
Great buck and story. Oh if I could be so lucky. Nice job.
wow, great buck
bowhunter 616
great buck and great story,thanks and good luck to ya :thumb :thumb
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Awesome Buck.. Congrats... I too know how you feel and can relate to the DANCE as I did one this year as well..