Big Bucks
1/15/08 11:52am

Were you spying on me, how did you know I went?? I was helpin fix the computer in the shop, Duh.. Your going to ruin my good excuse to leave the office.
You should know me by now... They wernt big enough to take a pic of. Unless you like little 3 pts :))
Oh, I forgot you are a sissy.. Chris has a pict
So what are we betting for the biggest shed contest this year?? You might as well give up now so you dont get whooped by a girl.. HA HA
Thanks for the compliments on the photos guys.
I recieved the pictures of those bucks in a email. The email did not have any info on the bucks or you.
Sorry , I should of mentioned that in the post. I wasnt tring to to take credit for them by any means.
They are great pictures.
What web site are you talking about?
Sorry for the inconvience, CA
::wel , I love to see more if you got em. Great bucks for sure.
What state? Not that many big bucks running around Utah. Has to be Colorado? :)