well, you'll have to wait for pictures till tomorrow- sorry for that-

but It's been a long day, and it all ended with me tagging a great 6x6, should be over 300", tonight.

I'll tell the story and add pics tomorrow, I'm beat!

Well For starters- I've been super busy at work this year so I haven't been able to take a day off for bow season, That said , Where I was hunting is really only an early morning and late night hunt. The junipers are so thick that if I start wandering around I'm more likely to blow them out of the country then to ever get a shot at the elk.

So I have been hunting this same herd for a couple week.In fact, I should have killed this bull last monday mornig when I had him at 46 yards, broadside ,standing still,and everything you could ask for. My string hit my coat and Imade a perfect hit on the rock that was a couple feet behind the bull! ](*,)

I figured I would give the elk a few days to settle down and hopefully not leave the area.
well Sunday morning I went up, and glassed the open flats while it was still night time,This is a HUGE advantage of having nice glass, I can see if the elk are in there or not. If they are I can go get right out in front of them and maybe get a shot, if not - then I know they have already made it through there so I head farther up the mountain to try and get a shot.

This morning there were elk bodies in the flat so I headed over to get in front of them. the herd bull had taken his cows out the other side by the time it was light but all of the other bulls were still out there. 2 new 5 points had joined the herd since a week prior and they started fighting 80 yards in front of me. when this happened, another 4x5 and 5x5 started fighting at 84 yards. So at one time I had 4 bulls fighting right on front of me- That was pretty cool.

Now when all the antlers were going at it, the whole rest of the herd turned and came right back out into the flat. All in all I had 6 bulls and 10-12 cows out in the wide open at anywhere from 80-100 yards. There is no way to get closer , there is no cover what so ever out there so I just watched the show and hoped they would come my way. As luck would have it, the wind turned and the whole herd left the other way!

After that I figured I better go out the next morning and try again. Sure enough everything worked out the exact same until daylight ( spotting them at night, getting out in front,etc..)
this time right at light, a little after 6 a.m., the elk were coming out of the flats right where I wanted them to. the first cow came by and I ranged her,48 yards- A little farther than I want to shoot, but I can make it. Next was the herd bull, I drew my bow when he went behind the first juniper and as soon as he came out I sent it flying. WHACK!! It seemed to me to be almost perfect shot. The bull ran 70 yards to the other side of the flats and stopped at the very first juniper and just stood there. A couple of times I though he was wobbleing and about to fall but he just stood there. I had a perfect view of where the blood was coming from,I was right in the crease of the shoulder and about 1-2 inches above the halfway line on his body. Yes, it was a little high, but I should be in lungs and I can't figure out way he is not falling down?? I didn't get full penatration, there was about 8-10 inches still hanging out.

I glassed him for 21/2 hours with him not going 50 yards more. He would take a step then stop for 15 minutes. for the life of me, I just couldn't figure out what was going on (???)

Finally he went into a juniper patch and I couldn't see himso i figured best thing I could do is leave!
I came back at noon with my father in law to start tracking. there was blood right where I hit him, and all the way across to where he stood for so long, then we lost it. There were so many elk track,it hasn't rained here fora month or so and everything looks fresh, we couldn't find his track for sure. I didn't know what I was going to do, It was not looking good at all. All I could thinks is for some reason I only got one lung and I've seen elk go for A LONG TIME on one lung. And with so many tracks I didn't see how we would ever keep on him. we decided to make a quik look through one little draw then I would come back with some buddies and just sweep the whole area. well I walked right up on him! I TOTALLY screwed up a shot a 60 hitting a juniper right in front of me that I was trying to shoot through. the bull took off and was running pretty good. I could see my original shot and still could not believe what was happening. He had only went 200 yards and bedded, but why he was not dead in 50 yards made no sence.

that was 2 p.m. so I went home again and at 5 came back with my buddies Matt and Dave (hunterdk1) they are always the one people when the SERIOUS tracking needs to be done.

We went to my flagging and got on his tracks- luckly this time he was going the opposite direction of all the other tracks making them WAY easier to follow. he only went another 200 yards and we spotted him
Killerbee strikes again, YOU DA MAN!
Way to go dude!! Cant wait for the story and pics.
Congrats. I'll look forward to pics. My back has a little sympathy pain for you right now. Sure feels good when its all back to camp though! :thumb
I think I'm going to need some help on this one?
I didn't have a camera and my buddies took pics with their "smart phones".
they emailed them to me but I can't upload them for some reason?

if anyone can do it, I'll forward them to you so they can be posted.

sorry for the delay
Send them my way if you want...
Got em Brian, I"ll upload the rest tomorrow.
awesome brett! thank you :thumb
Great job KB. You are wackin and stackin...... :thumb
Great bull! Ever figure out what took him so long to go down?
I just noticed the 2nd half of the story didn't post

give me a bit and I'll finish it
I typed this whole thing in word perfect then copy and pasted it- apparently word perfect is all messed up, because there is no chance that I made any mistakes.......

so back to spotting the bull-

so we were tracking the bull and caught back up to him in 200 yards- he was JUST STANDING in a thicket, AGAIN( i swear I spent a full day watching 1 bull stand and not move) . we moved around to try to get something in him, but he picked the thickest trees to stop in and the one shot rattled through the branches.

At this point is where we decided that he was a dead bull and it was just a matter of time. he wouldn't run away, he just make a short burst and stop 50 yards away. we made 2 or 3 more attempts at getting him shot again, but no hit in the boiler room.

FINALLY- it was getting dark we decided it was now or never, we all nocked arrows and just went strait to him. matt was able to put one final arrow through his lungs and he was down for good!

talk about a relief!

we still have no real explanation on why it took so long for him to die, the shot was a little high, but was in the lungs, there was STILL fresh bubbling blood coming from the hole when we walked up to him. then later , when we flipped him over there was an exit hole, and it was low by the heart. I do not see how the arrow went from one hole to the other without wiping out both lungs.

I will say that this is the last time I will ever shoot a G-5 montech out of my bow. i've been saying for 4 years how they are the dullest factory broadhead I have ever seen. although I have killed 4 bulls useing them, they simply are not even close to comparable with any other broadhead. I was kicking myself while I was still worried about if i was going to loose the bull, knowing that I basically shot the bull. with a dull broadhead( although brand new)non purpose really was just dumb and wont happen again.
Great story Brian! I was wondering if that was the end of the story. lol That is a good thing to know about the Montec broad-heads. I suck at sharpening and never have liked how those feel out of the package so I don't use them.

Anyway! Way to stick with it and get your bull. What a dandy! :thumb
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Nice bull. Good job man.
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Love the story! The pics seem so much more interesting and eventful with a nice story to go along with them! Thanks
Added the rest of Brian's pics to the story.
That is a very nice bull.

Great bull congrats.
What optics do you carry? Your post is the second time in the last couple days I've read about guys glassing in the dark and finding their quarry... I'd go nuts if I tried that with mine, perhaps it's time to upgrade?!?
"derekp1999" wrote:Great bull congrats.
What optics do you carry? Your post is the second time in the last couple days I've read about guys glassing in the dark and finding their quarry... I'd go nuts if I tried that with mine, perhaps it's time to upgrade?!?
I use Leica Trinovide 10x50 bino's I've always been a HUGE fan of 50mm objective. they gather so much light and if you have any moon at all I start glassing 1 hour bevore it gets light. Granted, your not going to field judge anything at night, but you can spot bodies and get into position before it gets shooting light

THANKS BRETT for adding my pics for me :thumb
What a gorgeous bull KB, congratulations! Nothing like chasing those ol' stinky bulls in the rut. Thanks for sharing.
Nicely Done KB!!! Great story. I love hearing how things really happened, it helps us all learn and prepare for different scenerios. I have to agree, I think the montecs aren't sharp enough and could be the source of your problem. I had something similar happen on a deer. Made what I thought was a perfect shot (we even have the video) and the deer traveled over 250 yards into thick pines......never to be seen again. I switched to grim reapers and will not shoot anything else....watched elk, deer and a MT goat drop using them. Not to mention how well they fly.

Anyway, Congrats on an amazing bull!!! Truly a trophy. Way to stick with it.
Awesome bull, congratulations KB.
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Awesome elk and great story! Thanks for sharing.
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Congrats on an awesome bull!
Congrats on a great bull!
Woot! Great bull and congrats!
Congrats Killer!!! Great story, pictures and a great bull! :not-worthy
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Very nice bull you got. Great story,and cool pics. Good job.
awesome bull and story!
thanks guys! I got him beetled at the taxi, and waiting for the peroxide to finish the euro mount.
We did sit down and score him- 304 1/8 gross, and not very much NET:)
he's got A TON of deductions,almost 15 inches, but it's O.k., I'm happy with him and would shoot the same bull every year I had the chance on a general season tag, in any state.

Now We hit the marathon of hunting season for my family- My nephews mentor doe hunt this weekend, hopefully get it Saturday morning, then on my wifes muzzy buck hunt, then the first BIG hunt- my Wifes Bull tag on wednesday, lasts through sunday, then A break till november 10th and my muzzy buck hunt( 11 years to draw) for 10 days- Bring it on!!
Again, great story and congrats on a great bull (regardless of score or deductions). I too would take a bull like that on any general unit.
Good luck on all your upcoming hunts, looking forward to seeing/reading how those pan out for you & your family.
Thanks for the heads up and recommendation on the 10x50 optics.