Big City Buck!

I'm sure I'll ruffle someones feathers by posting these. I've held on to them for a bit, didn't want to make anyone upset.
But since they are already out there, thought you might like to see them. Plus others pics of this buck have been on here before.

What a SWEET buck. :thumb
Man that is a nice buck.

Would like to go down and see him in person one day. But I don't know if I can spend that much in that city. lol
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what a monster muley nice buck :thumb
Got that one in an e-mail as well. That right side is amazing..
Do these deer stay in that same area during summer and fall? Or do they head back to the mountains?

I have often wondered what they do when it warms up... I am sure someone in SLC would have popped them already if they were there when it was deer season.
That is an amazing buck.
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Very nice lookin' buck.
What a sweet buck. Wish I could walk upon those layin in the dirt.
one hunting fool
"PhillyB" wrote:Do these deer stay in that same area during summer and fall? Or do they head back to the mountains?

I have often wondered what they do when it warms up... I am sure someone in SLC would have popped them already if they were there when it was deer season.
Hard to say. they usually hang by the foot hills and work back and forth between residential and mountian. This area has a number of residential big bucks that hang in wooded lots that have not been cleared of the scrub oak. Also has a few deer that transition between the canyons and the city. Either way he has made it a ling time and sure is a nice deer.
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Wow that thing is sweet.
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He is sheded now has anyone picked him up or know if anyone has?
one hunting fool
I saw a picture of them on trophy mag facebook. they are alot bigger looking when someone holding them,
Has anyone been in the cemetery this year? I need to stop in. Has anyone seen this buck?
I drove through the cemetery last night. I saw 3 or 4 two point bucks but didnt see the double main beam buck. Doesnt mean he isnt there. Has anyone else been through to see if he is there this year?
He has healed. No split beam this year. He's looking nice in the velvet. One side is a typical 4 the other has all of the character of last year without the split. He has two cheaters and is starting to grow an in-line fifth. I drove through today but didn't have my camera with me. I'll see what I can do to get a photo up.
That is good to hear that he is still there. Too bad he doesnt have the split main beam. That was some awesome character. Id love to see some pics. He must have been out of sight when I was there yesterday.
For those of you who know where this buck is have any of you been through the cemetery to see if he is still around? I drove through numerous times this summer and saw him a hand full of times. It had been a few months since I had been there so I drove through the other night. I didnt see him. Has anyone seen him recently? I hope so.
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The double main beam is crazy cool, and the typical 4 point left side is drool-worthy too!
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I've never been to that cemetery without seeing them there any time of year, so I assume these ones stay pretty close by.
I drove through there today with no sign of him.
I hope hes gone looking for love and I find him in the low hills.
Well SW you may get your chance.

I've watched this buck for three years now. He leaves for a bit during the rut to follow the does. I got a scare on the drive into work about two weeks ago. I saw a road kill buck near work. I didn't get a good enough look to see if it was the cemetery buck. Later that day a coworker said that he hadn't see the cemetery buck fo a couple of weeks. When I went back at lunch to check if the glimpse I had seen was him, the buck was gone. This worried me even more thinking that a buck like the cemetery buck would last long at the side of the road. Luckily a UPS driver had snapped a photo and eased my nervousness.
I have some great pictures of this buck in velvet I will have to upload.
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I have obviously been hunting in the wrong places, never seen a buck that looks half as good as him!
He did go looking for love this year outside his little paradise. For the life of me I don't know how he can cross all those roads and return unscathed.
So who has this years sheds? And some live pics after he made it back? Come on folks. :)
I have pics of him before the rut in velvet and hard horned. I know he wasn’t in there during the rut because I drove through a few times. I never stopped back by after the rut to see if he went back. I’m anxious to see some pics after the rut as well. I did notice that the cemetery put up signs this year that said "no shed hunting".
he made it back and shed. I saw him before he shed and have seen him since. It will be cool to see how big he gets this year.
I think my call next year will be shaking a bag of chips lol.
LOL swbuckmaster. I have seen people feed that buck doritos(poor buck diet). As faw as the sheds go I haven't seen them but the guy with last years set met up with the guy with this years set at the expo. Last year he was a 218" buck this year he would have been around 206-209 but he broke off a cheater on one side and about 4 inches of antler on the other. I'm interested to see him next year too.
Brett, my sister took these pics of him just before he shed, and I took this pic shortly after he shed. I'd bet the sheds never get posted.

You da man, many thanks for the photos. Your sister takes some nice shots. And your shot is flippin sweet. Now I know exactly what the head looks like after shedding.
Yelum, what do you think he would score?
When I saw him in Dec. at 50 feet away. I quickly scored him while sitting in the cab of my truck. I came up with upper 190s to low 200s. But after seeing these new pictures. He looks like he could go around 210.
He is big for sure.
Your last guess is about dead on. He went 209, with about 4 inches missing. And no, I don't have them.
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Would you guys say that is a splayed out g-2 or a second main beam? Just opinions. :thumb