Big City Buck!
2/18/12 10:22am
I'm sure I'll ruffle someones feathers by posting these. I've held on to them for a bit, didn't want to make anyone upset.
But since they are already out there, thought you might like to see them. Plus others pics of this buck have been on here before.
What a SWEET buck. :thumb
But since they are already out there, thought you might like to see them. Plus others pics of this buck have been on here before.
What a SWEET buck. :thumb
Would like to go down and see him in person one day. But I don't know if I can spend that much in that city. lol
I have often wondered what they do when it warms up... I am sure someone in SLC would have popped them already if they were there when it was deer season.
The double main beam is crazy cool, and the typical 4 point left side is drool-worthy too!
I've watched this buck for three years now. He leaves for a bit during the rut to follow the does. I got a scare on the drive into work about two weeks ago. I saw a road kill buck near work. I didn't get a good enough look to see if it was the cemetery buck. Later that day a coworker said that he hadn't see the cemetery buck fo a couple of weeks. When I went back at lunch to check if the glimpse I had seen was him, the buck was gone. This worried me even more thinking that a buck like the cemetery buck would last long at the side of the road. Luckily a UPS driver had snapped a photo and eased my nervousness.
I think my call next year will be shaking a bag of chips lol.
You da man, many thanks for the photos. Your sister takes some nice shots. And your shot is flippin sweet. Now I know exactly what the head looks like after shedding.
When I saw him in Dec. at 50 feet away. I quickly scored him while sitting in the cab of my truck. I came up with upper 190s to low 200s. But after seeing these new pictures. He looks like he could go around 210.
He is big for sure.