Big deer pics.

I was looking through some of the pics on here and there are some monsters. My question is why doesnt everyone who shoots a monster buck have a grin from ear to ear? Some guys look mad and upset. I have never shot a monster maybe it makes you constipated or something. Or maybe they have bad cavitys, dont want to show there smile. ???
This is true: I've noticed this to and came up with they worked their tail end off soo dang hard to get that buck that they don't have the energy left to show their big grin.. Way too tired out; But who knows, lets hear it from someone who'se accualy harvested one a these beasts?
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wow you're right,thought I was smiling but then after thinking about it it was a long, long hike.Maybe I was thinking about the mile and a half back to the truck.ok heres my smile :) :)) :)
I have smile with every "big" deer I have taken but not so in some of the smaller ones. Can't really say why. Same with elk. I can say with the elk, that once you walk up on one, the first thing that comes to my mind is, "Holy $^*&! How am I going to get that critter out of here?!?"
I think most will agree I smile from ear-to-ear when I set the camera up. :) I'm just too darn happy to be out chasing critters with a bow......and I don't mind sharing it with folks. :thumb
My pics are probably the worst. I dont think I have smiled in any of mine. Have always took pics this way. Very few pics I have smiled in. Not sure why. Not even in alot of family pics I have either.
Here is something I sat here thinking about and have talked with some friends and my brother very extensively. I am blessed with seeing the bucks I have seen. I have seen some of the biggest deer in my life and got video of them also. I have seen so many bucks over the 200" mark that I dont get excited over taking them. The biggest buck I put on the other post has some points broken off and 12" broke off main beam. I saw him before he lost all that and chased him for 6 weeks till I gave up. Couldnt get back out there. then he was shot 4 weeks later. This buck grossed in the 250's. But if you see that many monsters then I think its just a little more reward.
Now if I could just get into some elk then I might be able to smile more.
maybe it;s the hunter mentality....we are tough hunting tough animals and we are tough ourselves maybe we try to bring that to the picture. I look back at some of my pictures and the biggest smile I had was when I shot my first cow elk.
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Smile or no smile there is some awesome pictures on here. I have spent l seriously like 2 hours strolling through here and checking out pics and some of the conversations. It is cool to see some younger kids getting deer and elk, that is the ultimate, they are so happy and proud.
I don't know about anybody else but by the time I got me elk on the ground I was wore right to a frazzel. The elk that I got wasn't huge by any means and I worked my but off for it. I can't even imagine how hard some of these people worked to get some of these big ol boys. I bet if most of them would tell their tales of the hunt and the hours put in hunting these animals it would be amazing. I would venture to say that most would agree that when they were posing for pictures that they were tired and wanted to get some rest.