Big Forks (pics)
12/31/07 7:54am
During this years late season hunt in CA, I saw quite a few mature bucks that were solid 2x2's only. Some were some of the largest forkies I've seen in person. Post up some of your best looking forkies for all to see....whether they're alive or dead. I'll start it off with a few from the Golden State. I'll save the best one for my next post. " alt="" /> " alt="" /> " alt="" /> " alt="" /> " alt="" /> " alt="" />

Mature forks are rare in the areas I've hunted. The forks must be genetic?
In MT and WY where I've hunted it's common for a 2 1/2 year old to already have the smallish typical 4 pt.
Here's another:
Here are his little brothers that he was with that day...
THis is a buck that i got in 2007
::wel to MuleyMadness.
Great Forky and nice 4-point pictures. Thanks for sharing, what part of So. Utah are you from?
I don't live in southern Utah, that's just where I chase mulies. I live up in Utah County and the photos were taken around Filmore.
oh the biger one is 27"
I haven't seen one in alot of years. Imean that big any ways.